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  1. D

    Zoro the leo

    So I just got him for my birthday and I am wondering what morph he could be. As I'm not to Shure. He is more orange then in the picture
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    Fire skinks question

    Question... How much soil should I use in my fire skinkn enclosure. Just got him last Friday and he is all hiding all the time .I'm wondering if he has to much soil in the tank
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    Rescued neglected beardie

    It's been many years since I've seen a beardie I. The shape I have. Just seen. Two layers of stuck she'd. Removed. But it seems something is wrong with it's beard. It kinda looks like the she'd caked on and got hard. I can't seem to remove it I've soaked the fella twice and turned the previous...
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    Chillin in. The new. Layout

  5. D

    Tide-arak chillin with me after a feeding

    Still looking to figure out what she might be...
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    What am i

    Help figure out what type or morph i am
  7. D

    New lizzy daddy

    Hey all im not new but ive been mia for many years.. Im back with a new lil one.. Can you help me with what morph it is...
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