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    Newborn dragons not eating!

    Ok so my bearded dragon eggs have hatched and some are on day 3 approaching 4 and still aren't eating crickets! Is this normal, and if not what should I do???
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    I think my beardie is egg bound

    She layed fertile eggs in January and had bumps on her belly during febuary tenth again. i went away on a trip for 4 days and now she has no more bumps . she is eating and is moving but idk is she is ok
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    OK so my bearded dragon eggs were incubation at around 83 for a while. Then recently the temp took a MAJOR spike to 90F what should i do???
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    My bearded dragon just laid eggs

    My beardie layed eggs and they are fertile? How long can they go without an incubator without dying?
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    Bearded dragon not laying eggs

    I learned my bearded dragon was gravid around 2 weeks ago. Around 1 week ago she began trying to dig but only at night, so I moved her into her digging bin. Now within the past 3 days she has been increasingly active and is scratching a ton but she still doesn't dig. What should I do?!??! :( :(...
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    My bearded dragon just mated

    I didn't know that the other one was a male and now they mated? Will my female lay eggs? And what should I do? Thanks!! :D :) :?
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    She hasn't eaten in 5 days and IDK why. HELP!!
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    What do Hornworms eat!!

    What can you feed hornworms besides chow? I read somewhere that they fed their worms dandelion greens. Is this true? Thanks! :D
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    Breeding Waxworms! Dead or alive?? I started breeding waxworms yesterday. 5 have turned blackish brown. Are they dead? If so usally waxworms stay white for a while before turning black. These turned black within 4 horus
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