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  1. A

    Buying beardies online ?

    Hi, I live in a very small town, and unfortunately our only petshop only has bearded dragons in very poor condition. I'm a beginner and I don't think I'm ready to put a beardie back on his feet. I was wondering if you guys have heard of a good company from which I could buy a beardie ? ( I live...
  2. A

    Is my beardie eating enough ?

    I'm sorry if I posted this in the wrong place (I'm new on this website) but my 2-3 months old Bearded Dragon seems to eat every 2 days, is this normal ? He is strong and runs around in his terrarium, his poops are normal and all. I'm just worried he doesn't eat enough. Maybe it's too soon, I've...
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    My bearded dragon has a limp, what should I do ?

    Hello, I recently got this baby bearded dragon ( two months and a few weeks old ) and he is limping, what should I do ? Is it the substrate ? Maybe a broken leg ? He is active, eats and likes to explore. His eyes are bright and he seems healthy. I just ordered the ReptiSun 10.0 since I heard...
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