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  1. S

    Strange spots on/under scales?

    Hi everyone, sorry it's been a while since posting but does anybody recognise these strange spots under the legs on Spyro ? I'm giving her a bath right now so maybe it will help , she's about 3 to 4 years old .
  2. S

    Spyro & Flame's NEW GAME !!!

    Spyro and Flame are getting along REALLY WELL now as you can see, they like spending time together :D Watch Spyro giving Flame a piggyback :D atvb SG1
  3. S

    Spyro last summer

    Spyro went to the local park and had fun climbling on stuff :D And a visit to the beach to meet a new friend:- Enjoy atvb SG1
  4. S

    Here's FLAME with SPYRO !!

    Hi people, it's been quite a while since I last posted when I introduced SPYRO (March 2017), but we ALSO now have another Beardie too who's called FLAME due to it's beautiful colours. Here they are side by side comparison:- atvb Jim (Happy New Year)
  5. S

    Introducing SPYRO

    Hi everyone, my names jim and this is Spyro:- She loves climbing:- Swimming:- Also playing football....only joking :D She loves Locusts and partial to a Morio worm or two :D
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