Search results

  1. M

    Rescue Beardie - Injury or fungus?

    So a couple of weeks ago I was in a pet store and as a known Beardie owner (Lucky age 14 mos) I was asked if I wanted to take an injured beardie for free. He was supposedly housed with another beardie as babies and they fought and both have been recovering from injuries since June. My guy (now...
  2. M

    Rescue beardie asleep

    When your new rescue beardie falls asleep in the wierdest way.
  3. M

    Keeping Crickets Alive

    Can you please share with me your best tricks for keeping crickets alive. I want to buy in large enough quantities to last a week or 2 but they seem to start dying off too fast at the end and I need to know the appropriate "cricket husbandry" techniques.
  4. M

    New Member - Lucky's Grandma.

    I am new to the group. Technically my 9 yo daughter has the Beardie but I am the adult in charge of making sure care and such is done properly (single mom - adopted daughter 2 years ago at age 7). And we are both loving having "Lucky" as part of the family. My daughter and I are big animal...
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