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  1. Z

    Can a 5 month old Beardie Brumate?

    My Beardie is exactly 5 months old today. She is huge, she's 17" long. I have noticed that she has been changing everything; how much she eats, how much and how often she poops, and the amount of time that she would rather be sleeping. Since she grew so fast I'm wondering if she's trying to...
  2. Z

    What's the average size of a 3 month old Beardie?

    I'm just curious how big the average 3 month old Beardie should be? How big was your Beardie/Beardies at 3 months? I just want to see if my girl's size is the norm. Thanks!
  3. Z

    How big should a 3 month old female Beardie be?

    Hello! I'm curious how big my girl Zurii should be, approximately. She is 3 months old, and is just a smudge over 14" long. She's huge, and my question is; is this normal? I got her from a very good breeder, NOT a pet shop, so I do indeed know her exact age. In every aspect she is 100% healthy...
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