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  1. Stormikins's Legacy Uploads

    Stormikins's Legacy Uploads

  2. S

    Orange coloring?

    OMG! What a gorgeous baby! I'm cry! My Lockdown is a petco rescue too, and I would love to rescue all the babies from petco if I could. ugh... Keep us posted on what she turns like. I can't wait to see!
  3. S

    Welp, here is the babe <3

    Yeeeep. Mine does something similar. Also, sometimes he will just furiously lick something, and I sit there thinking what in the world he is so passionate about. I'm really happy to hear your baby is doing better. Show us pics!
  4. S

    Claw maintenance

    So I think I will need to invest in that. He is too small now to clip, but omg they are like razors. Given that he loves to cuddle against my chest, you can imagine the looks I get at work when I have tiny claw marks on me. The phrase "My dragon needed cuddles." is getting slightly overused. LOL
  5. S

    Daily maintenance and spot cleaning.

    Well it is poop we are talking about. Got to make it entertaining. Also this stuff is so real. I can't make it up. My beardie is ridiculously expressive. Thankfully so. Because if there wasn't entertainment I don't think I'd be this amused by his routine.
  6. S

    Claw maintenance

    Problem is that my beardie does not dig, nor does he ever use his hide. I wish! So the question is, what are the options?
  7. S

    Daily maintenance and spot cleaning.

    So today, I came home to another baked turd on his basking spot. Clearly he was displeased with me, as that bad boy had cooked there for god knows how many hours. I bought a petsmart spray bottle and omg it is a charm. Fits EXACTLY 9:1 ratio of red wine vinegar and water. 1/4 cup vinegar, then...
  8. S

    Welp, here is the babe <3

    Awesome news! Glad you are keeping us posted. Have you weighed and measured him yet? That is a nice strict way to keep track of his progress. I weigh and measure mine every saturday. So far we are gaining 5-9grams a week, and 1inch in length. Give it a shot! This way you will always know if...
  9. S

    Claw maintenance

    Alright everyone, so here is my ask: What do you do to ensure proper claw length for your beardie? Mine is growing at the incredible rate of 1 inch a week, and his tiny claws are getting long too (and ridiculously sharp). Do you cut the claws like you would a dog's? If so, what do you use? I...
  10. S

    Welp, here is the babe <3

    Mine is not huge on veggies either, but he will eat them. For mine, it seems to be the vibrancy of the colors that gets his attention. I offered him, by hand, tiny pieces of apple. Dipped them around his lips and he got a taste. Then I put some down in front of him, and he nipped at a few...
  11. S

    Daily maintenance and spot cleaning.

    Mine demands he be taken out. He will rush to climb on me when there is poop around. I'm pretty sure he is upset I left it in there an extra second as is it.
  12. S

    Daily maintenance and spot cleaning.

    You know my pain!!!! Yeah the upstairs guest bathroom is pretty much his. I soak everything in boiling hot water in the tub ( we have our water heater set ridiculously high). My main issue is with spot cleaning, because he RUNS from his poop, and then stares me (or my husband) down from the...
  13. S

    Welp, here is the babe <3

    Pooping is good! As long as that happens, at least you know he is not stopped up or impacted.
  14. S

    Welp, here is the babe <3

    Awww, right now, mine is passed out on my stomach, under a thick blanket. I'm sure that with a lot of patience and handling, he will come around. Once he gets more comfy eating, try letting him eat worms from your hand. Or using an old shirt that you wore and didn't wash to wrap him in. It...
  15. S

    Welp, here is the babe <3

    Awesome! Can't wait to see how much yours grows. It's so fast!! I love seeing the progress in mine, even though now, he is growing so fast and shedding so much. He is in perma b.i.t.c.h mood. BUT on the plus side, he likes his snuggles still.
  16. S

    Daily maintenance and spot cleaning.

    Yeah, man oh man I am not thrilled with his "routine". Granted, I am pleased he is pooping regularly, but he also eats like a pig. 18 phoenix worms in the morning, 30 crickets for lunch, and he will have about another 20 worms or so for dinner. (I hope that is normal...) But like out of all the...
  17. S

    Welp, here is the babe <3

    Awesome! How big is he now? I measure my little pest once a week, and use a food scale to weigh him. He looks like a little leatherback, is that accurate?
  18. S

    Welp, here is the babe <3

    Mine did the same thing when I got him home. Pooped one day then nothing for like 3 days straight. Freaked me the heck out. I tried hot baths ( 96-100F temp), nada, I tried giving him extra water, nada. So eventually I gave him a few drops of olive oil on a cricket or two, and some tiny bits of...
  19. S

    Daily maintenance and spot cleaning.

    Yeah I am OCD enough that I NEED his Viv to be clean, and the dummy does not think enough ahead to realize that pooping in his fav spot, means he doesn't get to bask in his fav spot. Also, later, it will result in a loooooong bath, because he now stinks, and I'm not having any of that while he...
  20. S

    Daily maintenance and spot cleaning.

    Hello everyone, So my little beardie is a stinker. He has discovered that mama does not appreciate poop in his enclosure, and so, as soon as it is delivered, she will come and clean it up for him. Well... this has resulted in some rather amusing situations. Lockdown (I pray he is a male and I...
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