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  1. S

    Face gone pinky infection or shedding?

    Hello My little zebby has had a pinkish tint to her face the last few days. We were wondering whether it is because she is shedding or whether she is ill. She has recently shedded her feet and she was rubbing her face a lot but we are not sure. Please help. She is running about fine and eating...
  2. S

    my beardie hates her lay box

    Hi, My beardie Zebby has eggs at the follicle stage, we have been told by many people to put her in a lay box. As soon as I put her in there she puffs up for no reason and gives me a really dirty look. so I was wondering what else I could do, she really hates it, I don't understand why! I'm...
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    my beardie has eggs in the follicle stage help

    hi i got my beardie Zebby 2 weeks ago. took her to the vet just to check she was all healthy. the vet did a scan because she has been digging recently annd he said that her eggs are at the follicle stage, they are unfertilised. i was wondering how long until she will lay them roughly? they are...
  4. S

    Zebby and I

    we are both new here and we would like to say Hi :) Zebby is 14 months old and is currently carrying eggs (sadly unfertilised)
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