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  1. S

    General health checkup - 1yr old

    Hey guys, it's been a long time since we've checked in Our little buddy Boris is usually pretty happy and healthy, he gets a fair amount of attention, lives in a clean environment and gets a pretty varied diet. We're coming up on about a year old. He's eaten his veggies since he was just a...
  2. S

    Our buddy Boris

    We brought our little guy home about a month ago, he's currently about 12 weeks old, and in continuous shed. Doesn't really like the bath so far, so we try to keep them to a minimum. He's a pretty awesome eater, will put away a ton of crickets and salad every day. At 10 weeks old he was 8", 40g...
  3. S

    "That" bonsai tree

    Ok, we've had our little guy for almost a week now (Smauggle got veto'd, we've settle on Boris) After bedtime we always go and see how he fell asleep, because usually it's adorable. Tonight after lights out I went in and found 6 crickets still roaming around, one right on his back. I pulled...
  4. S

    Phoenix worms as main staple

    Is anyone using Phoenix worms over crickets as the main part of their dragons diet? Dubia roaches aren't available in Canada, so not really an option for me. At $10/150 worms I'm wondering how fast a 10 week old beardie would fly through these things. I have no baseline as of yet - I pick up...
  5. S

    Hey guys, brand new here, looking for advice

    Hey guys, just picked up my [almost?] complete setup, getting ready to introduce a bearded dragon in the next few weeks, just want to make sure I have everything ready to go before he/she makes the trip home. Name has already been determined - Smauggle (smug-gle, a non-magical dragon) I picked...
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