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  1. drakemonster

    2 New BDs trying to improve their care

    AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! you didn't just say that!!!! No no no no no no. No calci-sand :(! Calci-sand is not digestable! Please don't go back into this.... Just stick with playsand and make sure they don't ingest it, and if they do, use something like shelf liner or reptile carpet. (refer to the...
  2. drakemonster

    im new and have questions

    When giving them a bath, you should only fill the water to their shoulders, and temps should be about 90-95 degrees...not too hot. Make sure your crickets have a source of moisture and food. Try putting a slice of apple or potato in your cricket enclosure with them, along with their gutload...
  3. drakemonster

    2 New BDs trying to improve their care

    First off...congrats :) Next--good idea to separate them, make sure they have good size tanks for lots of space. Switching to play sand is a good idea, so long as they have good aim and don't ingest a lot. I use non-adhesive shelf liner, and it works great for 5 bucks a roll at wal mart. 60...
  4. drakemonster

    New To The Site with "Sandy"

    I use a pad-like non adhesive shelf liner and it works great. Its easy to clean and has relatively no risk involved. Jeez, walnut shells!? What will these pet stores come up with next? Good luck with your new guy :) cheers :D
  5. drakemonster

    Howdy folks:)

    Wow, you've got a houseful! All those lovely animals, and one of those husband things too :lol: . Good luck :D cheeers :)
  6. drakemonster

    Hey- all you lizard folk

    Pretty pretty beardie :D. Welcome to the club of lizard obsession :lol: good luck with your little one cheers :D
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