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  1. karolynmae

    Sick beardie, don't know whats wrong!!!

    Ok. So i am at my wits end now. Hes been sick for 2 weeks now. He is extremely lethargic, wont eat or drink. He even sleeps in the bath. Ive been force feeding him critical care, as well as baby food with a bit of calcium. The vet prescribed him antibiotics as well as poop meds which ran out...
  2. karolynmae

    serious impaction? i think.. :/

    Ok. So. Frederick my 4 year old is not eating, sleeping all the time. And will no eat or drink anything. Xrays showed he is full of poop. But he wont go. Ive been bathing him every day, massaging his tummy as well as force feeding baby food with olive oil. He still wont poop. Currently i am...
  3. karolynmae

    lethargic, not using back legs,help please!

    4 year old male beardie has stopped eating. He does nothing but sleep, will barely even move. Took him to the vet, not an impaction. Xrays revealed nothing. He has no poop in him whatsoever. He is currently on pedialyte soaks daily, antibiotics, critical care, and some meds because the vet...
  4. karolynmae

    egg help. DAY 2

    So. My big momma laid 30 eggs yesterday, All fertile. They all looked perfect but two were a little dented. But now, day 2 and they all seem pretty dented. I figured that the soil was sucking up all the moisture, so i changed out the soil and made sure it was damp but not drippy. The temp is...
  5. karolynmae

    Enclosure Emergency!

    My big boy decided he didnt want to go to bed tonight. So in his infinite wisdom he climbed out of his tank. (It has no lid because it was impeding the lights. But now he can get out. What can i do to keep him in. It is a 20" tall 50 gallon tank. I worry he is going to get out when im not home...
  6. karolynmae

    best way to clean a feeder keeper out?

    So i buy about 500-1000 crickets a week depending on how hungry my babies get. My question is what is the best way to clean out the cricket keeper without killing all the ones still alive? Normally if i touch or pick up the egg crate they all jump off or scatter. Any suggestions? how do you guys...
  7. karolynmae

    Introducing Kiera and Frederick!

    Hello all! I am new here but i have had my dragons for about 2 years now! They are spoiled rotten and get to do pretty much whatever they want (including terrorizing my cats and dogs) Frederick is 26 inches and 2 1/5 years old and Kiera is 23 inches long and 1 1/5 years old. Both were pet shop...
  8. karolynmae

    Pooping and Laying.

    Hello all! Just a quick question. My beardie (kiera) layed her first clutch last week. She layed 26 eggs!!! So she has had daily baths, upped her calcium intake and her food. But.... She still hasn't pooped for me. Is her body still just recovering? or could it be something else? I was supposed...
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