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  1. P

    questions about transitioning into an adult diet

    My Pazuzu is about a year old now and I was wondering if I need to start transiting to an adult diet. I am currently feeding him dubias, as many as he will eat in 10 min once a day, and vegies all day. One day a week I do no bugs. I do not have a scale to weigh him but he seams a bit fat ( this...
  2. P

    I made the switch now I need a little help

    I have had my bearded dragon since Valentine's Day and I have been feeding him crickets while I've been waiting for my dubia Roach colony to establish itself. but I got impatient so I ordered some three quarter inch dubias for feeders. my question as how many dubious should I be feeding him. he...
  3. P

    outside viv ideas please help

    I am thinking of making an area in my back yard for my dragon to use this summer but I am new to the beardie world and need a little bit of insperation. I was thinking of using a play pin for the walls would this be okay? I would like it to be some what portable so I can take it camping with us...
  4. P

    cleaning wood

    what is the best way to clean wood furniture I heard that you can put it in the oven on low for about 10 minutes but I'm not quite sure does anybody have any advice
  5. P

    dragon fun

    what are your dragons favorite things to do. Do they have any fovorate toys or places they like to explore
  6. P

    My first super worms

    I just bought my first tub of the super worms from the pet store, they came in a little tub with some bran, and do I need to give them any food or can I leave them in that tub. If I just leave them in the tub how long will they live.
  7. P

    substrate help

    About 2 weeks ago I got my first dragon. His name is pazuzu the p is silent. I pick up a sand mat to put in the bottom of his tank but I would like to change it to something else because it is hard to clean. I was thinking about going with tile or textured non adhesive shelf liner. What do you...
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