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  1. B

    Spike went to the vet. Watch video

    So my bearded dragon got a tail wound. I made a video of taking her to the vet. Check it out Also check out my channel and other videos to watch spike and my other pets on their adventure of life :)...
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    Beardeddragon tail is starting to fall off

    My bearded dragons tail is starting to fall off. I don't know what to do. When I first got her the breeder told me her tip of tail was eaten off by another bearded dragon but I don't think what has anything to do with it. 2 years and a few months.
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    Beardie seems like she is always hungry

    Hi, so my bearded dragon seems to be like starving all the time. Ive been feeding her 3 to 4 super worms a day and collard greens, dandelion greens, and butternut squash. She doesn't finish her salad. I leave that in there all day and feed her the super worms when I get home from school. I don't...
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    Beardy breate heavy. URI??

    So I had my beardy in her outdoor habitat and I brought her in because its almost time for her to sleep and I wanted to feed her. Recently she laid infertile eggs. Around 27 eggs. And when I was feeding her whenever she swallowed she made a heavy breathing sound. Here is a video It is at the...
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    Drinking water issues

    So for the longest time I could never get my beardy to drink water. She would only sometimes drink from the faucet. So today I decided tom try if its because she cant see it so I poked a hole in a water bottle and let it drip into the water bowl and surely she an right to it and drank. The I...
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    Beardy outdoor cage substrate help.

    I have made a outdoor cage for my bearded dragon. She is 1 year and 8 months old. I was wondering what would be the best substrate to put in it. It is about 5 ft tall and if she were to fall I want something soft for her to land on. What should I put on the bottom. It is wood right now
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    Adult bearded dragon being picky

    I have a bearded dragon who is a girl. She is 1 year and 4 months old. I got here when she was a month old. From there until a month ago I only gave her crickets and once in a while super worms. Now she won't eat crickets at all or superworms. She will eat meal worms wax worms and horn worms...
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    Seems sad. In weird positions.

    She seems to be sad. She lays in weird spots and she only poops when i give her baths. here are some pictures. The last picture looks like she is sad. She looks like that a lot and usually when i take her out she runs around but not she just sits there. She is 10 months old. I got...
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    So i read that you can feed bearded dragons earthworms. Mine in 11 months old. I read not to feed them worms you catch and bait ones. Im wondering where do i get them at.
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    Black spot on leg.

    This showed up like 2 weeks ago. I thought it would go away but it didn't. here are some pictures. If you need better ones just ask.
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    Beardy leash/harness

    Is there an online place where I can customize a leash / harness?
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    Bearded dragon isn't pooping everday

    My bearded dragon hasn't pooped for a few days. I heard its because there's not enough heat. I was wondering what I should get for more heat?
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    Female acting crazy.

    Hi, So my bearded dragon is a female and has been more hyper then usual. I have been at school so i could really see this behavior but today I seen here running around. She rubbed her head against the glass and went back and forth and did this yesterday I came home to that yesterday and the...
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    Beardy limpingish

    Hi, so my bearded dragon is about 1 month old a little longer and he's shedding and he has a piece of skin on his leg that he's shed din and he didn't get it off and he was not movie as fast can he could because he wasn't using that foot that well. Is this because of the skin?
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    Why won't my bearded Dragon eat this.

    Hi, i just got my bearded dragon a week ago and he would eat his pellets and Collard greens and carrots and apples. Now he only heats his crickets, horn worms, and the apples and carrots. He won't eat the pellets( They are small and red) and his collard greens. What do i do to get him to eat...
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    BeardedDragon Stressed?

    I got my beardedDragon 5 days ago and today when i woke up he had his bearded is puffed out a little but when i oped the cage he put it away and still ate and moved liked always. Also when i came one from school and he was laying down like when he sleeps and was in the corner facing outside the...
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    BeardedDragon sleeping question

    Hi, I just got a bearded dragon 5 days ago and i don't know a lot about them. How come my bearded dragon aka spike sleep where he is when the lights go out. Like one time he was hanging on his rank wall (Its styrofoam wall) and was sleeping right then and there but i took him down because i...
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