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    (PICS) Update on rescue beardie and question about wounds.

    Hello! About a week ago I rescued a baby beardie (around 3-4 months old) He was kept with a coil 10.0 bulb as uvb/light source and a red bulb for heat. Kept on white vitasand and fed on the tank, no other enrichment other than a single branch. Almost no human interaction. He/she had a broken...
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    Report on canned food as the only source of protein

    Hello everyone...! I know i'll probably get lots of negative replies but I figured it's worth sharing the information. I've fed my bearded dragon on assorted canned food since she was 2 months old. I wasn't trying to make an experiment out of her or anything. Getting live food in my country is...
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    Young beardie only eats greens

    Hello! So, I finally got a bearded dragon. I tried to get an adult but the oldest I could find was a 3 1/2 month old... I've had him for 5 days and he didn't eat anything the first two days. Afterwards he's been eating only mustard leaves and some other greens and that's it. Ignores all insects...
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    When staple insects are hard to find?

    Hello everyone and thanks for this wonderful forum! I do not own a bearded dragon yet, but I'm doing all the research I can before (if...) I make the purchase and I've found a HUGE problem with the whole feeding thing. If I do buy a dragon, I would buy an adult, so from what I've read, I'll...
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