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  1. P

    Taming with treats?

    Hey all I just had a few questions. I've had my beardie for about 1-2 months now and want to begin taming him. Ever since I got him he has not liked being handled. You go to slide your hand under him or get too close, he runs away. I got him to the point where he would sit on my hand if I worked...
  2. P

    My beardie climbs VERY close to the UVB. Is this bad?

    Hey all, I just finished up my new 40 Gal enclosure and have my ReptiSun mounted inside on the back wall. With the fake rock walls I have in there that I made, he can easily climb the sides and back of the setup which is cool being that it gives him something to do. But every now and then he...
  3. P

    New Enclosure! (Custom Rock Wall etc!) PIC HEAVY!!!

    Hey everyone! So whoever saw my introduction thread showing off my enclosure when I first picked up Dexter, knew that it was a simple 20G tank with some accessories etc…Well being how big he has been getting I figured it would be time to make a nice upgrade. I was going to post a “build” thread...
  4. P

    Simple Thermometer Probe Mount!

    So this really isn't a tutorial or anything, but I figured I would share something simple that many of you could get some ideas from! I had a shipment come through the other day and received my Zoo Med Digital Thermometer with Temperature Probe. I had no clue where I was going to mount the...
  5. P

    My new beardie is acting strange - Not eating etc...

    Hello all, I just had some questions regarding the behavior of my beardie Dexter. I picked him up exactly 2 weeks ago on Monday. For the time that I have had him his setup was not 100% complete being that I had a CFL UVB instead of strip light etc...Well I finally have the exact setup I need...
  6. P

    Meet Dexter and rate his setup!

    Hello all, new to the forum and a first time bearded drago owner. I've done tons of research before jumping into getting one and made sure I had the proper setup ready. I just picked up my beardie on Monday at a local PetCo. This specific store had the healthiest looking lizards so I made the...
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