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  1. M

    Dubia Roaches dying/burned

    Hey, I think I have a problem with my Dubia Roach Colony. Just the other day, I bought 77 females and over 400-500 juvies and added it to my existing colony. I bought them from two different breeders so, they most probably have unsimilar ways of taking care of the roaches. The second...
  2. M

    Found a very cheap water gel!!!

    Hey, I found a cheap water gel for like .12 cents per sachet here in our country. The people use it for their plants as an alternative watering and decoration. It's the same as how you make water gel. Now my question is, will this be a good alternative to water crystals...
  3. M

    Kirkland Vitamins safe?

    Hi Guys! I'm new here at the forums and I'm trying to get a bearded dragon here in the Philippines. I'm 13 yrs. old so please treat me nicely. So I'm just gonna ask if Kirkland vitamins are safe 'cause we have many stocks here so I thought I can use it as an alternative to reptile...
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