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  1. J

    Cactus Pad/Leaf, Cactus Pear (Prickly Pear)

    so where can I get this stuff if I live in North Carolina?
  2. J


    I've been reading posts for almost 2 months now and love the community atmosphere here...I wanted to introduce Liz, our family bearded dragon...Santa brought it for Christmas to my 5-year old son (fully understanding and accepting that I would be taking care of the "family pet" per my wife)...
  3. J

    Black Soldier Flies

    Does anyone leave their black phoenix worms in their vivs in the chance that they pupate to black soldier flies? I've read that beardies seem to enjoy chasing them down and they're fine to eat. I was thinking of putting the dark worms in an empty phoenix worm cup. and cut a tiny hole in the top...
  4. J

    What do you feed your dubias?

    Besides the roach chow and water crystals (and oranges), what do you feed your dubias re: fresh foods? I've been using alot of oranges (especially gutloading before feeding) and wanted to make sure too much orange isn't bad...I've read on other sites that feeding oranges is bad to beardies so...
  5. J

    Typical poop times

    I've read several posts mentioning their beardies pooping 1x day or 1x several days, however is it typical for a young beardie to poop 2x day? My beardie chows hard and just wanted to make sure there isn't such a thing as overfeeding when it bad to have a dish in the viv usually with...
  6. J

    Herpstat 2 - using for basking light (supplemental lighting)

    Hi all. New beardie owner here and wanted to say I've thoroughly enjoyed reading all the posts, stories, and pictures. I have a question regarding usage of a Herpstat 2 (or any thermostat for that matter) to control heat produced from a basking bulb as a SUPPLEMENTAL lighting source. I've looked...
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