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  1. T

    Do I need a calcium supplement if....?

    Hello all! I hope you're having a wonderful time preparing for Christmas/the holidays. :blob8: I have a question! I've had my baby, Puff, for about a month now. So far he's doing great. I had been giving him calcium powder, but I'm wondering if I still need it? I have switched to feeding him a...
  2. T

    Really cold... Bean bag heater?

    So, it's really really cold at the moment, and I'm worried about my herps! It was a worse yesterday at -2º. Now it's warmed up a bit and is 9º outside. Well, I'm used to this weather, but my herps aren't. I have my heat up all of the way, set at 90º, but it won't get warmer than 65º inside...
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    Best place to get feeders when you live in an igloo.

    So... I obviously don't live in an igloo. I do, however, live in North Dakota. :| At the moment when I am typing this, it is currently 0º Fahrenheit. So... It's cold here. Last week it was actually pretty warm, and in the 30's, but it's starting to get colder. January is usually one of the...
  4. T

    Stress marks that won't go away on my baby dragon?

    So, I've been reading about beardies getting stress marks on their bellies, and it kind of has me worried. I've had baby Puff for about 2 1/2 weeks now. Ever since I've brought him home, he's had marks on his belly. They've never gone away. This is my first beardie, so I just assumed that this...
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    Am I doing everything right?

    Hello! :wave: I just got my baby leatherback the day after Thanksgiving. I've been researching beardies for about a year, and now I finally have my own. He. Is. Adorable! :blob5: I just want to check, double check, and triple check that I'm doing everything correctly! Not my first herp, but...
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    New Leatherback Baby!

    Hi! I'm new, and just got my first beardie. :D He's so adorable. I've wanted a bearded dragon for the past year. I've been keeping amphibians for about 14 years. Quite awhile! Primarily leopard frogs, tree frogs, fire-bellied toads, canadian toads, and tiger salamanders. About a year and a...
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