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  1. melissawf

    Shameless self-promotion!! (Facebook contest)

    Hey there everyone! I know I have been scarce the past couple of years (went back to school in addition to being mom to 5!!) but I used to come here a whole lot and I know a lot of the "old-timers" here will remember me. I lost my 7yo boy recently, most likely after he got hold of a firefly :(...
  2. melissawf

    My 7yo boy ...**He didn't make it :(**

    I found him this morning with his tail sitting in his own poo (he never sits on his poo) and looking lethargic. I took him out to bathe him and clean up the mess and he is totally limp but will hold his head up still and look at me. He isn't putting his feet right when I set him down and he...
  3. melissawf

    Long time, no post! New pet store near me.

    Hey everyone! I don't know if any of you remember me but I thought I'd come and post and share my beardie story. We have this new small business pet store that specializes in frogs (we love froggies!), darts and other tropical and aquatic varieties in my town. They also have reptiles and...
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