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  1. jharveyjr54

    (3/3) my dubia colony smell bad, PLZ HELP

    Be very careful with mold, it's very very deadly to you dubia. I have a few thousand feeders in my feeder bin, and it requires cleaning once a month. I let it go longer once( i had read that I could let the frass get about 3 inches deep and be ok), and when I cleaned out the frass, there were 2...
  2. jharveyjr54

    starting a dubia colony outdoors?

    The only space you need is for an 18 gallon tote, and they aren't that big, roughly 2 ft deep, 15 inches wide and high. Maybe you really don't have the space, but I built a stand for scooters enclosure and they fit nicely underneath.
  3. jharveyjr54

    Drop off in live food interest around 6 months

    Cool, thank you.
  4. jharveyjr54

    How concerned should I be?

    Hells to the yeah!!!
  5. jharveyjr54

    How concerned should I be?

    Thank you for pointing that out. Makes me feel slightly better thinking it is the winter slowdown I've been hearing about.
  6. jharveyjr54

    Drop off in live food interest around 6 months

    I'm in this boat as well. Active, but not as active as before, RARELY eats. He's not losing weight, I may take him to the vet anyways. Just to be safe. What did that vet visit run you, approximately, if you don't mind my asking?
  7. jharveyjr54

    My dubia weren't eating....

    I got the 16 oz bag it was the biggest I saw at the time I think, but looking on the bag it does have an option for a 64 oz bag. The stuff itself is powder, and there's no exp on the bag. It does say that once it's mixed, if you need to store it you can freeze it. Had I not tried it myself...
  8. jharveyjr54

    My dubia weren't eating....

    ....Like I expected them to, about a couple months back, once my colony really got into full swing. I tried giving them that repashy bug burger, figuring better fed bugs means a better fed Scooter. Well, I only fed my roaches the repashy about 3 or 4 times for each bin(breeders and feeders) and...
  9. jharveyjr54

    How concerned should I be?

    So, just an update, Scooter still seems fine, but he still isn't really eating. Last week he ate 5 or six roaches like he was starving, then wouldn't touch another one, I left 5 or six in his dish, and he ate those the following day, but hasn't touched a roach since. he did eat one spinach leaf...
  10. jharveyjr54

    Was cleaning my bin, decided to share.

    If you'd like to know who I purchased from and all that, pm me. Personally I really like what we have going here in the for sale section, best deals you'll find, so I try not to openly show favoritism.
  11. jharveyjr54

    Was cleaning my bin, decided to share.

    Well, I first started with a starter kit I purchased from one of the folks on here in the for sale section, it was great, but scooter was eating so many of the small nymphs it quickly became evident I needed a lot more breeders. I found a place where I could purchase females 100 at a time and I...
  12. jharveyjr54

    Was cleaning my bin, decided to share.

    Yeah, no doubt!! Those are just my feeders and I haven't separated my babies lately so...whew that's a lot of bugs!
  13. jharveyjr54

    Was cleaning my bin, decided to share.

    Pretty proud of myself, never thought I'd be proud of my bugs.
  14. jharveyjr54

    How concerned should I be?

    I turned the extra light back off, just to be on the safe side. That was my original thought, he was just slowing down for the winter, as it's only recently gotten cold here, we've had an abnormally warm winter so far here in MD, it gets cold for a week, the next week it's in the 50's and 60's...
  15. jharveyjr54

    How concerned should I be?

    This is my fault for not mentioning this. I just put in an extra light last week to bring the temp up a few degrees, as I was reading that babies and juvies like the temp close to 110f. Since he's less than a year old, I'd assume he still qualifies as a juvie? I'm less concerned with where he...
  16. jharveyjr54

    How concerned should I be?

  17. jharveyjr54

    How concerned should I be?

    So I just took those pics of Scooter just now. The main thing that concerns me is that he hasn't been eating, and he hasn't been pooping as frequently(Although one would assume those 2 things would go hand in hand). He used to eat 20-25 dubia a day. This week he ate 5 or 10, once, and pooped the...
  18. jharveyjr54

    Found worms in my dubia feeder bin? What are they?

    Yeah I spent 4 hours trying to separate those little worms out last night, put all my feeders(amazingly enough, I have not seen one of these things in my breeder bin), and this morning I noticed that a few still crossed over. I also noticed that some of them are so tiny that you can barely even...
  19. jharveyjr54

    How long can I leave my dubia colony?

    Yup, I love them. Slightly cheaper to buy them this way, too.
  20. jharveyjr54

    How long can I leave my dubia colony?

    For future reference......
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