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  1. pscaulkins

    ADV/ Brumation

    The only precaution I ever took was keeping their tanks clean. They got calcium a little more and vitamins. I raised their feeders. Keeping them hydrated is very important. My female got liquid calcium. I also did my own fecals. I also tend to look “outside the box” when it comes to...
  2. pscaulkins

    ADV/ Brumation

    I've always soaked mine and mine never had a hydration issue. Also, just because they are positive ADV doesn't mean they are physically sick. I never stressed my dragons by soaking either. I've kept dragons 12 years. I was one of the first to test for ADV. Unless you test, no one can say...
  3. pscaulkins

    ADV/ Brumation

    I have a lot of experience with ADV. The one thing I noticed with my two is dehydration. During brumation you need to make sure they are hydrated. I would soak them for 20 min once a week. When not in brumation they got a quick soak daily as they pooped only in water. I only had one...
  4. pscaulkins

    Killing adenovirus?

    This is way off topic, you should have pm'd me this question. I will be more then happy to explain it to you but I will not on this thread. And, I honestly don't think you want me to.
  5. pscaulkins

    Killing adenovirus?

    I apologize if I questioned your authority on the matter, however, I have yet to see the formal documents that come with a signature. So if you have any research, please share it. I was only concerned about newbies thinking if there is steam, it will do the job. I actually have a hand held $60...
  6. pscaulkins

    Killing adenovirus?

    The steamers at Walmart make steam but it does not burn your hand, therefore, would not be hot enough to kill anything. The steam has to be very hot. I worry about people running out to buy a steamer and assuming it will kill adeno when in fact it may not. I know for a fact the steamers that...
  7. pscaulkins

    Killing adenovirus?

    Tracie, not all steamers get that hot. Therefore, unless they check the temps they may not be killing it.
  8. pscaulkins

    Killing adenovirus?

    Steam does not kill adeno. There has been no studies on what does kill it. It can live on surfaces for quite some time.
  9. pscaulkins

    I have a beardie with adenovirus, should i avoid other pets?

    A very nice looking dragon. I would say wash hands after handling but I would do this with a negative dragon also.
  10. pscaulkins

    Which Temperature gun?

    Mine is from Harbor Freight, it's almost 7 years old. I have never had a problem with it and it's accurate. It's a bigger one then Zoo Med's. I could never use probes as Magick would chew the probe. The first temp gun was a small one from a pet store, not sure of brand but I did not like it...
  11. pscaulkins

    Please read if you have a "Coral x Tarzan" baby

    Ummm, not collector quality but my question is why do they have to live in isolation? Humans can't get adeno from dragons. (you should wash your hands after handling any reptile) You can have a healthy dragon carrying the adeno virus. I have a 900 gram positive dragon that is 7 y/o and doing...
  12. pscaulkins

    Adenovirus Question

    Tracie, isn't your test only environmental? Correct me if I am wrong. The way PCR was done years ago was at a vets swabbing the inside of the vent costing lots of money. I haven't stayed up on it as I am not a breeder and not planning on getting any more dragons. To answer a question above...
  13. pscaulkins

    Adenovirus Question

    Unfortunately, false negatives are very common, especially with Tracie's testing method. If they are shedding the virus, it's going to be negative. But a positive dragon is NOT a sick dragon. There is no set symptoms to the adenovirus. Most people never know their dragon is positive for it...
  14. pscaulkins

    Silly Sleepers (Pics)

    Hi Sandi, you got cute babies. Love how they sleep. Magick went into brumation in July and came out in Nov sometime. She's down right hyper for this time of year. My other two is sleepy and Semi has even slept two days in a row and he has never done that.
  15. pscaulkins

    Diarrhea. Really Need Help, at a loss

    You are correct. To much calcium effects the kidneys. Benebac can be found in the bird section. Avian and reptile Benebac is the same. Petco carries it.
  16. pscaulkins

    dachiu review/unboxing

    I don't know many breeders that ship USPS. They are known for delays and such. I just found the box that my youngest came in to her first owner and that breeder used Fedex. She came from the east coast to the west coast overnight service. You pay for what you get. USPS is cheaper then other...
  17. pscaulkins


  18. pscaulkins


    My advise is to call all the vets and ask for a referral. Take the one with the most referrals. This is what I did years ago. Not all beardies with adeno have symptoms. You can have a beardie that appears totally healthy carry the virus. Others are failure to thrive beardies. Most positive...
  19. pscaulkins

    Help please feces question (added picture)

    What is her diet? Sounds like she is hydrated.
  20. pscaulkins


    MissT, back in 2005 and 2006, a breeder tested and had a negative colony, then bought a baby for a breeder. This person held the baby and then held one of his negative breeders and that dragon got contaminated. I also know a breeder that went to a show and someone that had a positive dragon...
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