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  1. W

    Ceramic tile

    I'm using vinyl tile in my enclosure right now, but wanna switch to ceramic tile. If I'm using a UTH, I know the heat won't go through as well as with vinyl. Would I have to increase the temps? Or should I just stick with the vinyl?
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    Too much water can be causing diarrhea. I don't put any water in my tank, because itll raise the humidity. I just put my dragon in the sink with some warm water for about 15 mins every other day. They're from the desert. They don't really know what water is lol As for zilla... any starter kit...
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    Switch out the UVB bulb for a ReptiSun 10.0 TUBE, NOT COIL. Coil can cause eye damage. I know PetSmart sells it. You're gonna need to buy something to house the light in... so if you can... go to Wal-Mart and in the Lighting section, find an under the counter fixture. You're gonna need a 24"...
  4. W

    Pet smart

    The Pet Care associate doesn't know what he's talking about, then. I work in that department, and would never give anyone that info.
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    Pet smart

    They're actually not... I work at PetSmart, and I can assure you that according to how we're supposed to have the reptile habitats set up, no sand is involved. There is proper UVB and the red bulb is used at night when the store is closed. Sure, I don't agree with the red bulb, buy hey... can't...
  6. W

    Is my beardie at a good weight/size?

    lol, yeah. that's what i meant >.< 177g
  7. W

    Is my beardie at a good weight/size?

    No, she can eat a lot more. I just thought that with the worms and all... Ah, that's not good! :angry5: :banghead:
  8. W

    What is your adult beardies salad?

    I live in Miami, FL too. I go to the Farmer's Market that's on Sunset and 87th. They always have good things to pick out. I feed my girl turnip greens, collard greens and kale with the occasional pieces of cactus. I have to throw in a few waxworms, too. So she can see some movement. Thank...
  9. W

    Is my beardie at a good weight/size?

    This is just me being curious, and kind of ... let's say... worried? Even though that is not the word I'm looking for. :banghead: I'm not sure if there's a scale one goes by to see if their dragon is maturing at the rate they're supposed to, but maybe someone can give me some insight? I...
  10. W

    wheat bran?

    is that okay to keep waxworms/superworms/mealworms in?
  11. W

    wire shelving system

    i'm planning on putting a wire shelving system to house my dragon, gecko and snake. my question about this is if the dragons tank would fit on it. its a 40g breeder tank (36 inches long by 18 inches deep by 17 inches high). would you think id have a problem putting that there? this is it:
  12. W

    Taking Betsy to the vet.

    I had posted another topic about how her tank and poop smelled really bad, and some of you mentioned she might have parasites. So tomorrow will be her first vet visit (kinda nervous). The vet tech told me to bring in a sample of her poop, preferably from the day before (so today). Is there...
  13. W

    Didn't know where to put this.

    I know, but I always went the extra mile to have everything clean for her. Grr. I made an appointment for saturday, so hopefully we can see what's wrong. /: Just curious, are parasites easy to get rid of?
  14. W

    Didn't know where to put this.

    I think I'm gonna make an appointment for to see a vet. I came home from work today, and when I went into my room it smelled like a decomposing body, her poop smelled SO bad. So it might be parasites. And I thought I was doing so well in taking care of her. :banghead:
  15. W

    Didn't know where to put this.

    im pretty sure its her. im smelling her right now.
  16. W

    Didn't know where to put this.

    Oh, awesome. I'll look into that soap. I can assume I don't use a lot of it? haha. And i work at petsmart, too! I'm in pet care! :D i've seen that zoo med wipe out, but never took the lunge to buy it cause i didn't think it would help.
  17. W

    Didn't know where to put this.

    i use tile.
  18. W

    Didn't know where to put this.

    lately my dragon has been smelling REALLY bad. so bad that i dont even wanna be in my room for long periods of times. i make sure to clean her cage everyday, but that doesn't seem to help. i know that i shouldnt bathe her with soap or anything, but is there ANYTHING i can use on her and her...
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    Eating hair...

    Whenever I have my beardie on my shoulder, I've noticed she likes to munch on my hair... should I stop her, or will that do nothing?
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    Great, thanks! My beardie eats mostly anything I give to her, so hopefully the cactus would be something else she likes :blob5:
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