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  1. M

    Pacman tadpoles

    I'm expecting a full compliment of pacman tadpoles in the near future and was wondering if anyone has interest in them either as tadpoles or once they've become frogs. She could lay between 300 and 2K, and my original thought was to sell them local but I doubt the local market could absorb that...
  2. M


    Well my first post was actually in the enclosure section but I figured I'd throw it in here too. I'm a huge animal lover, right now I have three dogs, two cats, a frog, 12 tarantulas and a host of roaches. Beardie is next on the list thanks to a generous friend. Looking forward to a beardie a...
  3. M

    My first Beardie

    Hello everyone. I just joined the forum and must have overlooked the intro spot so I decided to make my first post here. Never had a lizard of any sort before. Right now I'm raising an argentine horned frog, and 12 Tarantulas (plus a ton of roaches). One of my T keeping friends just had a...
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