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  1. R

    Look What We're Getting!!! NOW WITH PICS!!!!

    So yesterday Maze and I were looking at the deals they had going on kingsnake and this is what we found: Im trying to get my shipping done today and would like to clear some room. I am willing to do a great deal, and these are the dragons I would like to move 1. Male leucistic clear nails...
  2. R

    Reptile Rescue Train Request - Florida!!!

    Hey everybody! There's a super sweet lady off of craigslist who is letting me take in her beardie, the only problem is that she's in Ft. Meyers and I'm in St. Augustine. If there is ANYONE in the vicinity that can help us out I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm pretty sure she'd be okay with driving...
  3. R

    Rescued A Beardie Today and Desperately Need Help

    So I saw a post on Craigslist asking for help on how to take care of a beardie late last night. Apparently their son was given this beardie who was in awful condition and they didn't really know any better until the next day when he wouldn't even open his eyes, and I guess that was when they...
  4. R

    Hello from Florida!

    Well I've been registered on here for a while and have had some conversations with a couple of other members, so I thought it was about time (if not overdue) for me to introduce myself. My name is Ember and my husband and I live in St. Augustine, FL and we are avid reptile lovers, mainly...
  5. R

    Florida Reptile Rescue Train Request!!!

    Ok, here's the deal, I've been talking with Trogdor_1 about adopting one of their beardies, and everything has worked out great. I have a setup waiting for the new guy and everything, but now I need to find a way to get him up here. Trogdor_1 is located in Davie, FL and I live in St. Augustine...
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