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  1. bayoupig5

    Always hungry.?

    Baby dragon are notorious eaters. I kept a record of my first dragon and her daily/weekly eating schedule. At the highest point in a week she ate over 1000 feeders. As long as the dragon is gaining and the poops are normal, I would not be concerned at all.
  2. bayoupig5

    Can i use a chlorhexidine 2% solution diluted with water to disinfect a styrofoam back wall?

    I think this would be totally fine, considering you can use a diluted chlorhexidine in their mouths for brushing teeth. I personally use F10 solution, it is a veterinary grade cleaning disinfectant that is also super safe and also ok if there is any residual residue.
  3. bayoupig5

    Periodontal Disease Tips ?

    My vet told me that you can use Denta-Chlor (a diluted chlorhexidine) you can buy at the vet) on a Q-Tip and rub the teeth with that. I have also heard that you can use diluted Betadine (color of weak tea), and do the same thing.
  4. bayoupig5

    Sunken fat pads after leaving her for vacation..advice?

    Terribly sorry for your loss :(
  5. bayoupig5

    Skiddish baby beardie

    Ha, Ha Ha...I do this all the time with Balzor!
  6. bayoupig5

    Sunken fat pads after leaving her for vacation..advice?

    I can relate to this...and I feel for you. I know how stressful this is on you and her. I can lend you some advice based on experience. I had two females who laid clutches every three weeks for 5 months. It takes a toll on them for sure. Especially as they get older. I will share my tips with...
  7. bayoupig5

    Skiddish baby beardie

    My new beardie is also 4 months old, and varies in his attitude quite a bit. He is very friendly, then turns mean. He once bit me while I was replacing his veggies dish. He ran at a full tilt speed across the cage and bit me right on the hand (he definitely meant too)! Anyway, he still varies...
  8. bayoupig5

    What is this.??

    My baby beardie sits like this with both back feet and legs like this. As AHBD said it it quite normal. I catch mine like this a lot :)
  9. bayoupig5

    Vinyl flooring

    I have used ceramic tile for ages, but it MAY have lead to arthritic concerns for a couple of my dragons. As this may have been a possibility, when I made my new viv's I used decking vinyl sheet, bonus is it is u/v/heat resistant, textured and has some soft cushioning. However, it is important...
  10. bayoupig5

    This Is Balzor

    Yeah. my first dragon was a prolific egg layer and it was hard to keep weight, and calcium on her. Littlefoot, the one I just lost was really bad too. She laid a clutch 3 weeks after brumation in mid February, then continued to lay one every three weeks until the end of June. She was 10 years...
  11. bayoupig5

    This Is Balzor

    Wow, that is a massive beardie! Biggest I have heard of. I am not doing anything to excellerate his growth at all. I give him a salad in the morning (which on most days he does not touch), and then feed him at 5:00 and 7:30. I doubt it was anything you did to cause that rupture on your Chomp. I...
  12. bayoupig5

    This Is Balzor

    Balzor is big! I had one itty, bitty baby dragon before Balzor. She was my first and her name was Emmalee. I kept an extensive journal on her with daily records for the first two years of her life. She was a decent sized dragon, so the comparison here is amazing. Drum roll please.... Emmalee...
  13. bayoupig5

    This Is Balzor

    This is especially, but not exclusively for @AHBD and @xp29 . This is my fifth dragon. I have had two females previously that were raised as babies, and two other dragons that were second hand. All have passed. So now it is a good time to have a crazy baby (at least one more time). Balzor...
  14. bayoupig5

    Gout - diet changes & any other changes needed?

    Seriously increase the greens and veggies. You say he typically eats dubia. Dubia is not necessarily a bad protein source, but gout is usually due to an imbalance of protein to greens. Silkworms are great, really great. Again, too much silkworms will also be too much protein, and you would still...
  15. bayoupig5

    How to not loose your dragon

    OMG, that is too funny. I really needed that laugh today!
  16. bayoupig5

    Multivitamin Advice

    Schedule will depend on the dragon's age, so that would be important to know. I have used Rep Cal Multivitamin for years, and that one still is a good choice. Recently, I have been trying Repashy Calcium Plus. This is of course calcium with all the multi vits to include D3. It really depends on...
  17. bayoupig5

    Need a good bee pollen recommendation

    I think any bee pollen is safe, but I usually will get mine from a local source. We have local honey farms here and any honey farm should also carry the bee pollen.
  18. bayoupig5


    Last post for this thread. Had a call with the vet today who called me as a follow up to Littlefoot's death. She expressed her sympathy and asked me what had happened, which of course brought back all that trauma. She then told me that she checked the calcium dose given sub cue to Littlefoot...
  19. bayoupig5

    Lethargic, no appetite, sunken/bulging eyes, gulping, black beard, etc. Help.

    I am so very sorry to hear this. I lost my dragon last night as well. She was just at the vet in the afternoon, and died within hours of coming home. My dragon death experience sounds similar to yours. At 6 pm after eating she was very pale, including rhe inside of her mouth, her beard was jet...
  20. bayoupig5


    Unfortunately, about 3 hours after my last post this sweet girl passed away. She went pale with a black beard around 6 pm after eating her favorite silkworms. I placed her in her soft basket and waited for the inevitable. It was not the most peaceful, but I tucked her in, kissed her little head...
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