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    gestation period

    How long after they mate is it befor the female lays her eggs? And everytime the male mounts her he just lets go of her neck and lets her walk away.
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    Introducing my beardies

    i just brought my male into the same room for the first time. His beard turned black, and he began to bob is head. Then a few times she did the same thing but almost a bit more submissive not as vigourisly as he did. Is it normal for a female to do a little head bobing when they meet cage to...
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    Adk Beardies What do you guys think?
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    Adk Beardies

    Hey everyone! This is my new web site!!!!!! tell me what you think.
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    Incubator Questions?

    Hi i was wondering what incubators would be the best? all responses would be appreciated!
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