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  1. mynameserin

    RIP my best friend ever in the world, most personable dragon

    My love, my best friend.... my cuddle bug and rock when I needed him..... he is gone forever and I am at a loss. Only 5, and ate a penny because of the kids negligence. I am angry at the world and sadder than life. Mr. Shelia (he had a girls name) was the best friend I ever had. I was on...
  2. mynameserin

    "chewy" is a girl! finally got a girl!

    I've been on here for a little while now.. and I've had my bearded dragon Charlie aka Chewy for around 9 months now.... and for some time we thought we'd never get a female beardie.. but lo and behold, chewy is a girl!!! here's some pics of her... isn't she pretty!!???
  3. mynameserin

    little B

    hi everyone, I got my beardie 2 months ago making Little B 4 months old. you can see him and my other lizard Ziggy at: heres a couple pictures I just took also: thanks, - erin
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