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  1. M

    Does not like crickets anymore

    Mine ocassionally will stop eating a certain feeder for a while, she hasn't eaten crickets or silk or phoenix worms but will eat hornworms, butterworms, and waxworms. Try going back to them a month later and see. This is why I keep a variety of feeders around!
  2. M

    over feeding

    Let the animal consume what they will readily eat for 10 to 15 minutes then remove excess insects. If its a baby or juvy it should get two feedings a day, by the time it is an adult starting from late juvenile they will move to a more vegetable diet, as adults offer greens daily and insects once...
  3. M


    You can use Ivermecitin at 1 ml per quart of water as spray or Trichlrofon at 8 ml per 400 ml water as spray you can also use mineral oil to smother. No Pest Strips are effecftive for the cage and furniture as long as the animal is kept in a temporary enclosure during their use. The biggest...
  4. M

    Wound/Sore on chest.

    Two things you don't help your beardie shed by pulling it off do you? Sometimes if the skin comes off before its ready it can leave a raw spot. Second thing to consider is possibility of mites if you go to the site and look under mite madness, you will see a photo...
  5. M


    I thought reading this a bit of an irony that in the land of the bearded dragon, you have trouble getting them feeder insects! What is the most prevalent insect food source for them in the wild? Of everything I've read about them I have never seen a specific breakdown of thier wild diet!
  6. M

    Red spots under Puff's scales? **Help! Mites!!**

    The biggest problem is the room their in because they can move outside of the cage to lay their eggs. In short that room needs to be essentially cleaned and fumigated and you have to go through several cleanings of anima,l cage, and room in order to get eggs, larvae and adults through their life...
  7. M

    Red spots under Puff's scales? **Help! Mites!!**

    They are a type of mite go to and look under the title of Mite madness on her website. One picture will show you a picture with a cluster of red mites embedded under the scales. Unfortunately killing mites and freeing your house of them is a difficult task.
  8. M

    Jump-start / appetite stimulant - anyone use it ? Tips pleas

    A daily dose of Probiotics might have the desired effect as the appetite stimulant!
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