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  1. T

    New girl Lily

    I finally got a decent pic of Lily now tha t she is getting used to her new home.
  2. T

    And one more makes 4

    Yesterday I decided to take another beardie.Her name is Dude and she is 2 yrs old. She seems to be a very sweet and calm little girl from what I can tell. So we now have Tango, Taser, Dude, and also Twinkie the leopard gecko. Here is a pic od Dude
  3. T

    Another new baby in the house

    I said I wasn't going to get another lizard after Paddie died. So then came baby Taser, another baby beardie. On the 6th we found out our favorite reptile store who is also a breeder is closing for good at the beginning of June. My husband just looked at me and said go pick out a gecko. :shock...
  4. T

    Baby has a name now

    This is Taser. He is a sweetie even though he is food aggressive. That is how this baby got its name.
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    The new baby

    This is our new baby. It is 4 weeks old. We have only had it a few hours so we don't have a name yet.
  6. T

    Pics of Patrick

  7. T

    New addtion

    I now have another beardie in my life. Her name is patty. She belonged to another member of this forum who could not continue to care for her. Patty cannot walk so she is a special case. She melted my heart the first night I had her. She's a keeper! I'll post some pics later this week.
  8. T

    New to this site with a new baby beardie

    I havent had a beardie for about 8 years and now i have a new baby named Tango. Tango is about 9 weeks old. I forgot how much fun they can be!
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