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  1. Daisy!

    Rework for Daisies enclosure

    I saw some amazing enclosures that you awesome people did and figured, heck why not. The foundation is the same except I added a rosemary plant on the left and a pink jasmine on the right. Plants were potted using repti soil and then covered with a mix of eco earth and repti sand. She took to...
  2. Daisy!

    I wouldn’t have believed that a bearded dragon had so much character….

    If you told me that bearded dragons don't have personality I would have to call you a liar…sometimes daisy wishes she was a turtle…other times she’s ready for her close up as the perfect poster child…
  3. Daisy!


    I’ll take the fly punch…..extra flies please
  4. Daisy!

    Half and half?

    This is daisy! She’s currently gravid so I made her a dig box of eco earth and repti sand 50/50. I can see she really loves it and digs at every chance she gets. I’m thinking of going half loose substrate with this mixture and leaving the other half with the PVC mat. as the picture suggests. I’m...
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