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  1. Z

    Post Brumation insanity

    Hi so recently about a month and a half ago my girl Zarra came out of brumation, get temps are back to normal so is her schedule and nothing had changed in her tank, even a recent vet visit and everything is great! BUT SHE IS STILL GOING CRAZY incessant glass surfing running around her tank...
  2. Z

    Post brumation behavior?

    Hello so my beardie zarra I believe is ending her first burmation...she was in a deep sleep for like 3 months then one day I look over and she's out and basking....she was out for a day or 2 then went back into her hide and was sleeping she seems in a partial brumation almost she's...
  3. Z

    Help me sex my beardie

    Hey looking for help sexing him....hope it's a him
  4. Z

    Diarrhea and eating less

    Hey guys so my boy Balthazar has just moved to his new huge tank 48x24x16 he doesn't seem stressed behavior wise he is out running g around enjoying the space and basking alot....his Temps are good if maybe a little under basking at about 105 cool side in the 80s and warm side in the 90s I use a...
  5. Z

    Need a Vet in LA

    Hello I need help finding a beardie vet on the LA area can anyone recommend one?
  6. Z

    Beardie hideing in corner under hammock on favorite rock

    Hello, My beardie balthazar who I've had for a few months now and is probably abou7 -8 months old has recently started to go to the corner of his tank under the hammock on a larger rock for long periods of time....he was never afraid of me nor has he ever puffed up or turned black.....ever! He...
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