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  1. N

    Health Review Number 2 - Dragon Barely Eating

    Hi all. It's been a while, but here's Dax, seemingly as happy as ever: My first checkup post is here: After I wrote that post, Dax brumated for about 3 or 4 weeks under a rolling cart and emerged in April. He's now...
  2. N

    UVB Fixture Length - 24 or 36?

    Hi. Been reading up a lot on all of these topics and I seem to find conflicting info about the length of the UVB fixture for tank sizes. Using a ReptiSun T5 10.0 bulb, I currently have a 24" fixture in a 36" L x 18" H tank. If I upgrade to a 48" L x 24" H tank, will that 24" fixture still work...
  3. N

    Health Review - Opinions on Dragon Behavior

    Hi all! Long time lurker, first time poster. Thanks to everyone for all of the amazing information found throughout these forums. I've learned a great deal by lurking these last few months. This is a long post, but please bear with me as I try to go over everything. Meet Dax. We got Dax...
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