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  1. J

    ANother question about possible fungus

    Thanks. I have a friend who has dubias and i buy them from him. I also give him veggies every day, but he doesn't eat so many.
  2. J

    ANother question about possible fungus

    Thanks. He seems worse off than i am. More of an inconvenience than anything else, thank god.
  3. J

    ANother question about possible fungus

    Thank you. Hope to see the vet as soon as i can get out of the house (day 2 Covid positive). Shall update.
  4. J

    ANother question about possible fungus

    Hi everyone, The last couple of sheds for my beardie have been very strange - lots of crustiness, and yellowy shed. Was also hard for him to get it off on his own, and we had to help with some rubbing. I didn't worry too much as he was still eating and acting normally, but now he is off his...
  5. Jebediah's Legacy Uploads

    Jebediah's Legacy Uploads

  6. J

    nasty cut/scab. Possible shedding issue

    Thanks so much for the reply. I read that mouth rot was sticky/cottage cheesy? Either way, i have sent some photos to my vet and will see what he says. Thanks
  7. J

    nasty cut/scab. Possible shedding issue

    About a month ago my beardie has a small open wound just beneath his mouth. It scabbed up with a really big scab, and dried out. The scab then fell off, and i thought it was healed nicely, but it clearly wasn't as the same thing has happened again. He has now had this big scab for about 2...
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  9. J

    Should i be worried about my Beardie's (lack of) eating

    Just a quick note to say that he finishes his round of antibiotics today. I am happy to report that he is doing great. Was up early this morning waiting by his food bowl and gobbled down 10 dubias and 2 worms in a couple of minutes. By far the most he has ever eaten in one sitting. He is far...
  10. J

    Should i be worried about my Beardie's (lack of) eating

    We're not in the US, thanks. My wife dealt with him and she can't recall exactly. He didn't do any further tests beyond what we already did, so I was a bit dubious, but he was very certain and my wife trusts him and works with him a lot (she is an animal assisted therapist), although we had no...
  11. J

    Should i be worried about my Beardie's (lack of) eating

    Update: So we finally found a vet that we can trust. He is a snake expert but knows his way around beardies also. He gave us some antibiotics and they seem to have worked straight away. 2 days in and Flame ate 10 big juicy dubias (this after eating almost nothing for a month). Today he did a...
  12. J

    Should i be worried about my Beardie's (lack of) eating

    He is a couple of inches closer. I will take exact measurements tomorrow. he has taken to lying quite flat on his basking rock, as opposed to standing up straight under the light, which he used to do. Don't know if that means anything. Either way, there was one vet on there who i was also...
  13. J

    Should i be worried about my Beardie's (lack of) eating

    Posted a pic above. Thanks so much
  14. J

    Should i be worried about my Beardie's (lack of) eating

    No change in his behaviour. Still seems happy enough, but not eating. Maybe one roach every 2 days. Poop still that weird green slime. Vet did a fecal test. She said there were lots of germs, but no parasites. She readily admits that she is out of her depth (she very kindly hasn't charged me...
  15. J

    Should i be worried about my Beardie's (lack of) eating

    Thanks i will get her to check for them. Are superworms not just big mealworms? I can't get anything else (other than crickets), but at the moment he isn't eating anything, so that is the least of my worries. Will let you know, Thanks again!
  16. J

    Should i be worried about my Beardie's (lack of) eating

    He has plenty of space on his giant rock to move around a get a gradient heat. I don't live in the US and don't have ready access to stuff to buy, so made my own. He has plenty of options in his viv -- the most spoilt Beardie in Israel for sure! He was eating dubias as his staple, with some...
  17. J

    Should i be worried about my Beardie's (lack of) eating

    Thanks for the quick reply. He has an arcadia t5 tube with reflector inside his tank, about 14 inches above the basking spot. Basking temperatures about 103, with a digital probe thermometer. UVB is over on the same side as the basking spot. Basking spot isn't directly underneath it. rather...
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