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  1. I

    Beardie are some leeks!! Will he be okay?

    I'm really really worried about spike I gave him some leeks and apparently those can hurt beardies!!! I was stupid and didn't look up if they could hurt him until after he ate 2 or 3 pieces . Will he die? What should I do?
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    Baby beardie will NOT let me near him

    I've recently bought a new beardie about a week ago and whenever I put my hand near him to pick him for a bath or just to handle him he opens his mouth wide because he's angry and jumps at me trying to bite me (or maybe just pretending hes going to bite me). Is this because he isn't used to his...
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    Adventerous beardie eating far too much food!

    My old beardie who has now passed away recently once found a way to escape her enclosure, apparently she was hungry, as she decided to eat an entire tub of morlos that I kept outside the tanks as treats (she was okay afterwards, fear not). Then she somehow got under my bed and flipped a box...
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    Questions about the setup this breeder gave me

    Recently I bought a bearded dragon with a new set up and I wanted to ask some questions about the set up he gave me as I'm unsure if it is safe or not. He put in an infra red bulb, which he said was controversial but he has not ran into any issues, he didn't explain WHY it was controversial...
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    Do I buy another beardie?

    I originally had 2 beardies but last night sadly one of them passed away and I'm not sure whether or not I should get another one. This beardie enjoyed being handled and was just a lot more used to humans than my other beardie. He doesn't enjoy being handled at all and it stresses him out...
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