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  1. I

    Where can I order soldier fly larvae?

    Okay, my local pet store costs way above the norm on everything. I get it, they are small and local and their prices are above the norm. But, when it comes to feeders I want to find a better source of soldier fly larvae that is not so much money.Seraphine just prefers them over crickets and...
  2. I

    Sleepy time Seraphine

    So, this seems to be Seraphine's spot to sleep. A few minutes after her lamps go off, she is flattened out and snoozing.
  3. I

    Seraphine's unannounced visitor

    This morning started off great. The lamps turned on and Seraphine begin her day. She tore into her fresh greens and chomped some roaches. About an hour later, she focused her attention on everything outside her enclosure. I put my hand in and after a quick taste, she climbed on my finger. Well...
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    Seraphine discovers the television

    So, Seraphine was asleep in my hand when the low brass on the movie soundtrack started playing. She immediately looked up, moved to my leg, and raised her head at the television. She was glued to the movement on the television. Who knows, maybe she is a fan of Tim Burton films. Here's to hoping...
  5. I

    My first Beardie Day 2

    Seraphine is such an amazing little girl. I still don't have any new pictures of her, but today she has ate her crickets and her veggies. She has been enjoying her basking spot and her hiding place. She is very curious when we walk into the room. She comes out of her hiding spot and will make...
  6. I

    My first Beardie

    Hello I am new to this forum. This is a pic of my first beardie. Her name is Seraphine. I will have better pics of her very soon.
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