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  1. S

    Reaching out for help, unsure of what to do

    Hello everyone. Reaching out because toothless, my Male bearded dragon has been acting really strange. He is about 3 years old now and at the year mark of having him he was treated for coccidia. It's March in Minnesota, it's about 30-40 degrees outside. Our winter was anywhere from 0-25...
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    Coughing and slight wheezing after taking medication

    Sorry guys, I know I've been posting here a lot. Being a first time dragon owner everything just worries me. Just need a bit of help or advice here - I gave toothless his medicine in the syringe tonight, as I was squeezing it in his mouth from the side as directed he jerked a bit and it cause me...
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    Hello! I'm back again with another question for you guys. So I took toothless to the vet monday where they prescribed him with Ditrim to treat a mild case of coccidia. I was just curious if anyone has had any experience with this medication? I cant seem to find any info about it. I know Albon is...
  4. S

    Coccidia...please help?

    I posted a week or so ago reaching out about some weird behaviors. Once he officially stopped eating I took a fecal to the vet. It appears he has coccidia...being a first time bearded dragon owner with my one year old, toothless I would really like some help. I couldn't get an appointment...
  5. S

    Worries, actual problems or me being anxious?

    Thanks in advance for looking at my post. I want to start off by saying this is a very anxiety fueled post. We got Toothless January of last year. He was born in December and so he is almost a year old. For the most part he is active, for some odd reason best friends with our cat, and very...
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