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  1. rhendriks

    juvenile rankins dragon going into brumation?

    went in to the exotic vet in my area after trying to get ahold of them over the phone for 2 weeks and got no where. explained the situation, asked if they could do a parasite test. vet told me "its not a parasite. if it was he'd be eating more" (which i know makes no sense, didn't even give the...
  2. rhendriks

    juvenile rankins dragon going into brumation?

    its on top of the screen, this product is made to go on top of zoo med terrarium screens (high output hood). its never been an issue since i got him, this behaviour only started when the days started getting shorter. how is a parasite test conducted?
  3. rhendriks

    juvenile rankins dragon going into brumation?

    i know hes too young for brumation, i need to know if i should be waking him up/bathing/getting him to bask or if its okay to bring him to a vet. this has been going on for several weeks, my lighting is all correct & i know what different insects i can feed. T5 10.0 reptisun uvb 24" tube with T5...
  4. rhendriks

    juvenile rankins dragon going into brumation?

    i have a 7-8 month old rankin's dragon that i believe is trying to brumate. he hasn't eaten anything in a few weeks. he's laying in one spot, half sleeping most of the day. i've given him a warm electrolyte bath which seemed to perk him back up for a day, but still no eating, and hes back to...
  5. rhendriks

    Rankin's acting strange

    i started off doing that when he was smaller but thought i was taking away his hunting game or something lol. ill go back to feeding in a container
  6. rhendriks

    Rankin's acting strange

    last night he just crawled into his skull to sleep around probably 5-6pm which hes never done and slept all through the night. hes still sleeping this morning. still hasnt eaten or pooped. should i wake him up and get him to bask? i don't want to make him uncomfortable or force anything. i did...
  7. rhendriks

    Rankin's acting strange

    he spent almost the whole day sleeping, which hes never done.. could it be brumation/is that normal for young dragons?
  8. rhendriks

    Rankin's acting strange

    will crickets bite him if he's not eating them?
  9. rhendriks

    Rankin's acting strange

    just crickets, mealworms & salad so far. i'll try switching it up. he spent basically the whole day sleeping today, i dont know if hes going into brumation
  10. rhendriks

    Rankin's acting strange

    isn't he though!!😊 i have a T5 10.0 Uvb tube in a T5 high output terrarium hood
  11. rhendriks

    Rankin's acting strange

    I have a zoo med reptisun T5 10.0 Uvb 22" tube bulb in the zoo med T5 high output reptisun terrarium hood. i have a digital thermometer that takes spot temperatures, no probe thermometer. getting the temp up a bit is something i've been struggling with as i have what i know to be the correct...
  12. rhendriks

    Rankin's acting strange

    hi!! i've had my juvenile rankins dragon, Onyx, since september and things have been going great. i've noticed with the colder months hes started acting different and i'm getting very worried, hoping i can get some advice before possibly going to an exotic vet. 1. i've never had any issue with...
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