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  1. Abbipetty

    Is food rotting inside a beardie’s tummy during brumation a myth or a fact?

    Just a general question, I’ve seen a lot of differing opinions on many topics, but this one perplexes me the most. Some people seem very concerned with this, others say it’s a myth. I can’t find any real evidence of food “rotting” in a beardies tummy from a quick google search, most just warn...
  2. Abbipetty

    Possibly impacted?

    Thank you Tracie! Yes, the levels were normal except vet said calcium and phosphorus were elevated, and most often seen with reproductive activity. she said uric acid was slightly elevated but given how mild the elevation was, it was more likely related to a recent meal or hydration level. So, I...
  3. Abbipetty

    Possibly impacted?

    Hey! I was gonna post a separate update and a picture of her- she’s doing much better. I tried the home remedies, a little pumpkin. I didn’t give her a bath, I was about to give in and give her one when I looked over to where she was napping and she finally pooped! I do think that was the...
  4. Abbipetty

    Possibly impacted?

    thank you, I was wondering about when to take her to the vet? I could get her in Monday if I need, but if she needs a vet sooner I’m obviously willing to have an emergency visit, but I don’t know when I should take her in. Should I take her in tonight? I believe it was Karrie who said not to...
  5. Abbipetty

    Possibly impacted?

    Okay. I will try that. I will try to give her a soak and see if that helps too, I’ve been scared to soak her because I don’t want her straining herself too hard if she can’t go.
  6. Abbipetty

    Possibly impacted?

    She won’t eat right now, she blackbearding a little, which she usually does when she has to poop. I’m terrified of a prolapse happening if I try to get her to poop, because she strained so hard last time. Should I take her to an emergency vet to be safe? The nearest vets are all over an hour...
  7. Abbipetty

    Possibly impacted?

    Hey! Sorry for asking so late, but she’s still having some trouble going to the bathroom. Was wondering how much pumpkin and/or applesauce to give her? Like ml? Also, should I add olive oil? I’ve heard that can help as well?
  8. Abbipetty

    Eating but not basking

    Your good! I’m not sure I mentioned her age in the original post I can’t remember. I appreciate your help!!
  9. Abbipetty

    Eating but not basking

    Okay! Thanks again
  10. Abbipetty

    Eating but not basking

    Oh my goodness!! 13 is a great age! Inanna’s 4. I will cut back on the bugs and hopefully she can get down some weight! Thanks for your help :), the greens aren’t harmful if she doesn’t bask, right?
  11. Abbipetty

    Eating but not basking

    I believe she was pretty close, I haven’t noticed any changes in her body condition since I’ve gotten her. She only gained a few grams from her initial appointment right after I got her to the last time I took her in. It’s okay to skip the bugs? I don’t want her to become protein deficient or...
  12. Abbipetty

    Eating but not basking

    Really?? I feel like I don’t give her bugs that much, just a few roaches two or so times a week. Could it be bloating maybe?
  13. Abbipetty

    Eating but not basking

    She may? But I don’t think so, I don’t feel anything in her belly, but she has laid before so it could be possible. I’m not sure why she would avoid basking though if she was gravid? (First two photos are the same day, a few weeks ago, last photo of her back is from just now.)
  14. Abbipetty

    Eating but not basking

    Okay! I have calcium with d3, my vet told me that she didn’t need it with proper uvb exposure so I hadn’t been giving to her. I have given it to her this week twice with the smallest amount. I’ll start including it- I’m gonna try and get her in tomorrow because I’m really worried about impaction...
  15. Abbipetty

    Eating but not basking

    I give her water with a syringe and drip in on her snout. I only give her insects two to three times a week, should I sprinkle a small amount in the veggies so she gets it 5x per week?
  16. Abbipetty

    Eating but not basking

    She uses a reptisun ho 10.0 t5. Just changed it the other day. Her tank is 4x2x2, and I’ve had her for around 6-7 months. I do give her calcium, 2-3 times a week, used to be more but she had hard urates so I cut it down, and a multivitamin once a week.
  17. Abbipetty

    Eating but not basking

    I will call when they open tomorrow, is there anything I can do to help her now? At home?
  18. Abbipetty

    Eating but not basking

    I rescued her from a friend who wasn’t taking care of her. She has an appointment on Jan 4th? Should I get her in sooner? She’s still bright in coloring but she does look a little bloated- maybe she’s impacted.
  19. Abbipetty

    Eating but not basking

    I’ve made a vet appointment to be sure, but my bearded dragon won’t bask under her heat lamp. She hides a lot more now, and she has some stress marks on her tummy. This has been going on for a few weeks now. She eats, not as enthusiastic for her greens, but she still eats them, and still goes...
  20. Abbipetty

    Possibly impacted?

    Thank you! I will try that. The urates weren’t hard, just seemed like she was having a really hard time going. She didn’t eat yesterday, so I’m gonna try and give her the pumpkin and applesauce today just to be safe.
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