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  1. teacherinpjs

    Mouth Rot & Early stages of URI

    Well I’ve been giving reptiaid & the probiotics again and still no improvement. Today I’m getting repti boost & a probiotic gel to try instead. Hoping maybe that does something.
  2. teacherinpjs

    Mouth Rot & Early stages of URI

    Wanted to update and see what y’all think….. she still isn’t back up to her old appetite. Barely eats or not at all. She isn’t black or anything. Best coloring she’s looked since even more she got sick. I did the reptiaid and probiotic for more than 10 days then stopped to give her system “a...
  3. teacherinpjs

    Deep Heat Projection & LED bar for 4x2x2

    Thank you so much! Very helpful.
  4. teacherinpjs

    Deep Heat Projection & LED bar for 4x2x2

    Im looking for anyones experiences with Deep Heat Projection bulbs from Arcadia? I could either mount it in the enclosure or on top of the screen. Curious to hear if anyone else has done this. I could set it next to the basking bulb to let my dragon decide which she prefers. I also have gone...
  5. teacherinpjs

    Basking bulb recommendations

    Looking for basking bulb recommendations for 4x2x2. I currently have an Arcadia fixture mounted under the screen and using a Arcadia 75 bulb or 75 w repti zoo basking bulb. But they aren’t getting the basking spot above 95. The lady is 8 months old and I think she needs it warmer. Also the rest...
  6. teacherinpjs

    Pancaked, puffed beard & eyes half closed

    Okay. Phew. Thank you!!
  7. teacherinpjs

    Pancaked, puffed beard & eyes half closed

    Oh okay. What would be warning signs I should look for? First time beardiw owner ha and I’m used to her being much more alert and upright, ready to run haha. Not completely laid out flat looking lethargic.
  8. teacherinpjs

    Pancaked, puffed beard & eyes half closed

    The lady has been acting like this the last couple of days. Refusing all food. Doesn’t move. Just lays like this all day long. Is this normal? It has me very worried.
  9. teacherinpjs

    Mouth Rot & Early stages of URI

    Thank you!! She seems to be happier. After she pooped yesterday she was running all over and hasn’t done that in awhile. I’ll keep doing the same thing and hopefully her next poo is even better.
  10. teacherinpjs

    Mouth Rot & Early stages of URI

    Okay. Phew. Her poo is far better formed than a week ago. It was completely watery mess before, so maybe the probiotics and time is helping it get back to normal. I just panicked from the discoloration.
  11. teacherinpjs

    Mouth Rot & Early stages of URI

    Poop warning! She just pooped after not going for several days. I’m thinking this might be blood. Ugh. So should I save this and send it in to get tested? Or could this be because it’s been so long since she’s pooped?
  12. teacherinpjs

    Mouth Rot & Early stages of URI

    I just weighed her and she’s 297 grams. That’s up from 243 grams a month ago. Despite her not eating any greens & very little bugs. She will eat supers & probably a ton if I fed them but that always worries me. Should I feed her a bunch of those if that’s all she will eat? She only ate a...
  13. teacherinpjs

    Mouth Rot & Early stages of URI

    Okay, she will eat crickets and superworms. Crickets are the only thing but she really is excited about but still doesnt eat like she used to. She isnt as active either. She is shedding her legs, just her legs, I dont know if maybe that makes her not want to eat. Thats not normal though.
  14. teacherinpjs

    Mouth Rot & Early stages of URI

    So her appetite is still hit in miss bad. Some days she eats, others she doesn't. She poos about every other day because of not eating and its pure diarrhea. Ive been giving her the repti dopholis every day, do i step it up to 2x day? I also started the reptiaid again. Im getting concerned she...
  15. teacherinpjs

    Mouth Rot & Early stages of URI

    Finally ate something this morning, No veggies of course. Man alive, I cant believe how stubbron they can get. And those spikes make it SO hard to hold on to them and make em do anything.
  16. teacherinpjs

    Mouth Rot & Early stages of URI

    Haha this is true! She ate some more this morning! Phew!! She still wont touch her veggies or certain bugs, stinker!
  17. teacherinpjs

    Mouth Rot & Early stages of URI

    Breathing is back to normal, Thank Goodness. I do not have pictures of her mouth. She is a FIESTY little thing when I try and mess with her mouth haha. Tracie suggested honey and I will keep trying but she just doesn't want anything right now :( I did just follow the vets suggestions, I would...
  18. teacherinpjs

    Mouth Rot & Early stages of URI

    Hey Tracie, Its Christine from the emails :) From Bug De Lite! Wanted to give an update for anyone who reads this thread too. Finished the meds and by the last 2 days her appetite went completely away. Couldn't get her to eat anything, We are a few days post end of medications and still no...
  19. teacherinpjs

    Mouth Rot & Early stages of URI

    Hi there, Thank goodness. I was hoping they were good. She ate all the silks I could get from the pet store. haha inhaled them! I got her to eat some crickets & supers. She refuses her once loved dubais. I believe she ate some of her salad, it looked missing. Ive been giving the repti hydrate...
  20. teacherinpjs

    Natural Supplements & Medicine Cabinet type things

    Hi there, Im wanting to get a good supply of natural products for immune health & medicine type cabinet. I love Bug De Lite website and have several of her products. I also have Arcadia supplements that I give daily. I have powdered dandelion root, probiotics, several different toppers...
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