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  1. B

    Need to Rehome my Beardie

    If you know anyone who is interested lmk! And thank you, he's very cute lol.
  2. B

    Need to Rehome my Beardie

    Hello, my name is Briana. I unfortunately have to rehome my bearded dragon. I have plans of joining the military within the next 6 months. This is something that I hadn't really had planned before getting my bearded dragon. My beardie is still a juvy, almost a year old. I think that he's a male...
  3. B

    Need to rehome my beardie!

    Hello, my name is Briana. I unfortunately have to rehome my bearded dragon. I have plans of joining the military within the next 6 months. This is something that I hadn't really had planned before getting my bearded dragon. My beardie is still a juvy, almost a year old. I think that he's a male...
  4. B

    Blood in beardie's poop(i think)

    Ok, I'll take a look. Btw is it normal for him to get dark when I take him out on my house or put him near the window? Like maybe just because he's not used to it. I'm sorry to keep asking questions btw, I just want to make sure I'm doing what I can for him.
  5. B

    Blood in beardie's poop(i think)

    Also this is off topic, how much time does he need with his lights on. Currently his schedule is 8am-8pm but I'm getting a new job and my schedule is going to change where I will need to feed him around 6:30 am before i go to work, so I wanted to know if I change his light schedule to start at...
  6. B

    Blood in beardie's poop(i think)

    Alright, I'm going to try and save up for one or find one with a payment plan, I'm so broke :(. Looking back I should've become more well versed in taking care of a bearded dragon before I took one on, financially at least, I didn't realize and that's totally my fault. But I can't just watch him...
  7. B

    Blood in beardie's poop(i think)

    Sorry I'm a bit confused? So the size of the tank might be the issue? And what do u mean by setting him down on those areas, what might that do. And I will try it out for sure. I have taken him on to the couch in my house before and then he will eventually start wondering around the house.
  8. B

    Blood in beardie's poop(i think)

    It wasn't addressed, sometimes I will have it off and yes I do have a ceiling fan, let me try to turn it off and see if it changes anything. Thank you for letting me know 😊
  9. B

    Blood in beardie's poop(i think)

    Sorry to keep posting replies, but here is the dimensions of the tank, its posted in the description of the one I bought, 19.50 x 37.50 x 19.25 and it says 40 gal. And I do not have the financials to get a bigger one right now, as I also just bought this one cause my other one cracked. :(
  10. B

    Blood in beardie's poop(i think)

    I just set up thr digital probe thermometers, they are reading at 80 on cool side and 97 on how side right now but I just put then in.
  11. B

    Blood in beardie's poop(i think)

    I need to put the new thermometer in the tank. The ones i have right now say 101 on hot side and 82 on the cool side. I took off the screen on one side of tank so majority of the uvb is not covered by the mesh screen. I will say he is in his cave a lot and not under the uvb a lot. My tank is 40...
  12. B

    Blood in beardie's poop(i think)

    Hi again, so my beardie is still doing lots and lots of glass surfing, like crazy. He is also in his cave a lot, is this normal? When I do take him out, he still kind of freaks out and recently he will do the "glass surfing" and like he's trying to climb all walls and surfaces, most of the time...
  13. B

    Blood in beardie's poop(i think)

    Ok so I actually didn't fully realize but basically I can take one side of the screen off and I'm able to prop the uvb up over the tank with one side open, do you think this is good enough? I will send a pic. Also I did want to mention, I've been noticing that lately he has been in his cave a...
  14. B

    Blood in beardie's poop(i think)

    Oh I misunderstood, I thought you meant that middle plastic part was blocking it, u mean the mesh screen itself. I guess I could cut the screen for the light ,would that be good enough for the UVB to get to him? And is the middle plastic part that is covering some of the light, is that ok?
  15. B

    Blood in beardie's poop(i think)

    I just bought a thermometer with a probe, I haven't put it in the tank yet. But with my current thermometers it's 95-101 on hot side and 80s on cool side. What's a good way to put the uvb inside the tank? Because if I take the screen off then I can't rest either of the lights on top, and I'm not...
  16. B

    Blood in beardie's poop(i think)

    The thing is financially, I can't right now. I just bought the tank i have now because the other one had broke. So I'm honestly gonna have to wait for money to be a lot better until I can upgrade and that may be months from now :( . My UVB is Reptisun T5 HO 24W 22" 10.0 UVB, its a long tube. I...
  17. B

    Blood in beardie's poop(i think)

    Just kidding. He's back at it again, he's glass surfing a lot today :( I don't know why 😭
  18. B

    Blood in beardie's poop(i think)

    So I'm thinking maybe he just needs a little more time out and enrichment , I'm thinking of creating a dig box for him and I did just take him out a second time for a little and put him back and now he's calmed done and isn't glass surfing anymore. So hopefully it's just something simple like...
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