i was at a pet store and they have them advertised as regular leos but they are black and grey in color. Didn't know if they were a different morph, I know of the black pearl but I highly doubt a small petstore would be able to get ahold of those lol. pics below
Awh that's too bad. :( Thank you for looking though! I got a little busy working on my car this weekend so hopefully next weekend I will have the time to restore my old stuff, this time putting on plenty of layers of grout. :blob5:
I know the feeling lol. I am going to work on restoring the old structures this weekend. Then possibly when I get some free time I will work on building some new stuff. If you don't mind could you give me the link of the styrofoam you used?
Thank you everyone for the advice!
Lenewen, do you think if I added more layers of non-sanded grout and ModPodge over my existing structures that it would be okay? Or do you think I should start over with some harder styrofoam? The ones I made are kind of the ones that fall apart, they're a...
I used two layers of grout on everything, and it was either 2 or 3 layers of grout sealant on everything. I finished it back in October. It started getting torn apart from her nails about a month or so ago. I don't quite recall. It made the viv look natural and I was completely satisfied. Now...
Awhile ago I made a back wall, sidewalls, and a cave/basking spot for my beardie. I used styrofoam sheets and sanded grout to do it all. It looked very good inside her viv and I was very proud of the work I had done. But recently, my beardie's nails have just been tearing it all up. I have to...
Thanks for all the help daner! :) I will be keeping a close eye on her and seeing if she starts digesting the worms better, and I will go on from there.
The basking spot temp is always between 98-103 Fahrenheit. I use a digital probe thermometer to measure the basking spot temps. Sometimes she basks, sometimes she doesn't. Lately she has been laying inside her cave a lot, the one on the hot side, but after I got her to poo in the bath she has...
Alright. One more question though lol sorry. If the phoenix worms are being undigested does that mean she's not getting the calcium from them? & should I be dusting crickets with calcium powder as well? I dust her crickets with a multivitamin twice per week but I don't dust with calcium since I...
You could also try giving him a warm bath. My girl had not pooped for about 2 to 3 weeks either and I gave her a bath the other day and it all came out. It was a lot but she finally did. Hope he's okay!
Daner, what would you suggest being a few at a time? I usually give her 10 at a time once per day. I use them for her source of calcium, so if I should just stop feeding them to her if it persists I can just dust her crickets with calcium powder.
Alright, I will hold off on the superworms until she is bigger. She has only eaten about three of them, I got like 50 in a variety pack I ordered last week and gave her one at a time to see if she liked them. She had been acting lethargic and hiding in her cave before she had ever eaten supers...
She is 15 inches long from her snout to her tail. I've been feeding her phoenix worms since she's been about 2 months old and she has never had a problem with them. This is the first time this has happened. I usually give her anywhere from 10-20 a day, plus around 20-40 crickets. & occasionally...
I just gave my beardie a warm bath today. She had not pooed for about 2-3 weeks before today, so I was hoping she would while in the bath. She did, and it was a lot. :puke: It's been about only 10 minutes since the bath but she seems a bit cheered up now, but I would too seeing as much as she...
Alright, thanks for the website referral, I will try it out next time around. :D Mine used to eat that many crickets too though, now she doesn't eat as many. I usually have to hand feed her the crickets otherwise she will just let them get away and they will get lost in the enclosure. She...