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  1. K

    Is my baby bearded dragon having RI or relocation stress?

    Thank you, Tracie. The past few days have been really difficult for us emotionally. We took him for a private cremation today, and it was incredibly hard to say goodbye. Even though he was only with us for 5 weeks, we still think about him every day. I hope he’s enjoying himself in the beardie...
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    Is my baby bearded dragon having RI or relocation stress?

    Thank you, AHBD! I checked out the website and really appreciate the health guarantee they offer. I just remembered seeing them at the White Plains Expo as well, but their booth was so crowded that I didn’t get a chance to stop by. Thanks for sharing and we're definitely check them out once we...
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    Is my baby bearded dragon having RI or relocation stress?

    Hello AHBD and Tracie, Thank you for your kind concern. Sadly, he passed away peacefully on December 31st around 3 PM, with us by his side. It was heartbreaking to witness him transform from such a sweet and lively little one to becoming so unwell and frail. We did everything we could to save...
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    Is my baby bearded dragon having RI or relocation stress?

    Thank you so much for replying to me during the holiday, I truly appreciate it. It’s been tough for us, but we’re not giving up on him and will do everything we can until the very last moment. We keep hoping that he’ll get better each day, even though he’s only been with us for a month. Yes...
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    Is my baby bearded dragon having RI or relocation stress?

    I hand feed him Dubias last week, and he was eating them then, but he’s refused to eat anything since the seizures started. I also tried offering superfood, but he wouldn’t eat that either. I’ve been doing my best to feed him the powdered food every day to meet the vet’s recommendations. I’m...
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    Is my baby bearded dragon having RI or relocation stress?

    Hello AHBD and Tracie, The good news is that he hasn’t had any seizures since yesterday. However, the bad news is that he’s still having blood in his stool, and this is the third day now. I’m really worried about him. I feel like it’s definitely a coccidia issue, but I’m not sure if the...
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    Is my baby bearded dragon having RI or relocation stress?

    Hello AHBD and Tracie, I truly appreciate both of you taking the time to share your expertise on this. The lab results shows “ Isospora Oocysts 3+ Coccidia having 2 sporocysts (genus Isospora) are present.” The ponazuril dosage is 60MG/ML, and I’ve been administering 0.01ml orally every...
  8. K

    Is my baby bearded dragon having RI or relocation stress?

    Hello AHBD, Thanks for your reply! The first sign of seizures appeared on 12/19, just two days after completing the coccidia treatment. I also noticed another seizure over the past weekend. However, today was the first time I saw both blood in his stool and a seizure occur together. I’ll avoid...
  9. K

    Is my baby bearded dragon having RI or relocation stress?

    Hello Tracie, I’ve been giving him probiotics daily, usually mixed with water. Since he no longer shows any respiratory infection symptoms, I’ve also been giving him baths and adding probiotics to the water. Unfortunately, he isn’t improving. Today, I noticed blood in his stool, which makes me...
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    Is my baby bearded dragon having RI or relocation stress?

    Hello Tracie, He seems more alert, but he’s still quite lethargic. His weight has dropped from 20g to 19g. I’m still feeding him the powdered food from the vet and occasionally hand-feeding him 2-5 Dubia roaches. Today, we noticed he might have a prolapse issue. He’s been straining to poop but...
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    Nova has become very sick

    I'm so sorry to hear that. He had a wonderful life with you, and you did everything you could. My deepest condolences.
  12. K

    Nova has become very sick

    It's never too late to try! My baby bearded dragon is battling respiratory infection and coccidia, but we're doing everything we can to help him recover. As long as you put in the effort, you won't have any regrets.
  13. K

    Nova has become very sick

    Hello, I think I have a tank similar to yours, and I had the same problem. I ended up using heavy-duty double-sided velcro to help hold the UVB light in place. Its holding very well on my tank, hope this helps!
  14. K

    Is my baby bearded dragon having RI or relocation stress?

    Yes! Both the heat lamp and UVB are positioned about 15 inches above the decor and around 12 inches above the little guy when he’s sitting upright. I measured it with a tape measure yesterday, and he gave me the funniest look while I was doing it—like, “What are you up to?” lmao.
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    Is my baby bearded dragon having RI or relocation stress?

    Hello KarrieRee, I believe we’ve set up the UVB correctly. We’re using the Zoo Med ReptiSun 10.0 UVB T5 HO Reptile Terrarium Lamp, 24-watt, which is positioned in the center of the tank.;)
  16. K

    Is my baby bearded dragon having RI or relocation stress?

    Hello Tracie, The coccidia medication is Ponazuril, and he has one dose remaining for tomorrow, which will be the final dose of the treatment. I spoke with my vet today for 30 minutes about this issue. He still recommended completing the full 28-day Baytril treatment. I mentioned that his...
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    Is my baby bearded dragon having RI or relocation stress?

    Hello KarrieRee, thank you for the suggestions! Yes, I won’t feed him mealworms until he’s older. I was just trying to figure out why he wasn’t eating. I thought maybe he didn’t like Dubia roaches, so I got some mealworms to test it out. But he didn’t eat even one! He’s just sick and has no...
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    Is my baby bearded dragon having RI or relocation stress?

    Hello Tracie, Thanks for following up! Yes, the medication for Coccidia arrived on Wednesday, and I gave him the first dose that day. Today (Friday) is the second treatment (out of a total of four doses, administered every other day). We're using a Zoo Med Repti Basking Spot Lamp 125W for the...
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    Is my baby bearded dragon having RI or relocation stress?

    Hello Traice, I ordered both the Gargeer probiotic and the Bene-Bac probiotic right after seeing your reply—thanks for the recommendation! As for the coccidia treatment, we got the results last Saturday, and the vet mentioned they would ship the medication today since we live quite far from...
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    Is my baby bearded dragon having RI or relocation stress?

    Hello Karrie, Thanks for reminding me, and we ordered on Etsy! They're on the way and hopefully arrive soon! ;)
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