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  1. AnnieT

    What is going on with Emma??

    Really? Her urate is completely dry
  2. AnnieT

    Should I take her to the emergency vet??

    Thank you. I just saw it
  3. AnnieT

    What is going on with Emma??

    No. She isn't drinking in the bath. I've been trying the dropper too. Her urate is definitely chalky
  4. AnnieT

    Should I take her to the emergency vet??

    I've already posted about problems I'm having with Emma in Health. I thought I should move it here. Here's the original post. It gives all of the info: I'm so worried because her urate is so dry today. Her skin is so...
  5. AnnieT

    What is going on with Emma??

    Look at how wrinkly her skin is! I'm at a loss. I want to help her so bad
  6. AnnieT

    What is going on with Emma??

    I'm sure that's true for some, however this is abnormal behavior for her. Also, she hasn't eaten her veggies in DAYS. I try multiple times a day. I always make sure they're fresh. She won't drink her water. I've tried misting her to see if she'd like it. I've tried the syringe. She gates baths...
  7. AnnieT

    What is going on with Emma??

    So I've tried everything with Em. She's been acting very weird lately. Sleeping and in her hide the majority of the day. When she is active, she's crazy active. Scratching at the walls and running all over the enclosure. I've tried letting her our. Doesn't seem to help. I thought that maybe she...
  8. AnnieT

    Heating for 120 gal

    Yeah. The temp is all I'm worried about
  9. AnnieT

    Heating for 120 gal

  10. AnnieT

    Heating for 120 gal

    Can I keep the IR on during the day?
  11. AnnieT

    Heating for 120 gal

    So I got the new enclosure set up, but I'm trying to figure out the heating before I move Em over. I got the light you suggested, but I can't get the hot side above 93°. I even tried covering part of the top screen to keep more heat in. I also tried adding the uva I have in the current tank. I...
  12. AnnieT

    Heating for 120 gal

    Okay. Thank you very much! Not very crafty, but I'll do my best lol
  13. AnnieT

    Heating for 120 gal

    So they need 2 basking areas? I'm still so new to this. Any tips on how to do/make/setup platforms?
  14. AnnieT

    Heating for 120 gal

    Moving my beardie to a 120 gal tank. Reptile Habitats 4x2x2 PVC Reptile Enclosure | $299 Free Shipping That's the one I'm getting. I have the uvb lighting figured out, but now I need help with the heating. What light and fixture/s should I use?
  15. AnnieT

    Need help with lighting and setup please

    I'm also unsure of the length and wattage I should get for a 120 gal
  16. AnnieT

    Need help with lighting and setup please

    Thank you again!
  17. AnnieT

    Need help with lighting and setup please

    Okay. Thank you! I'd really appreciate some links for the light and fixture if you have it
  18. AnnieT

    Please help! I need a short-term alternative to live insects for my baby beardie.

    Thanks for letting me know! I'll take that off now. I've realized since I purchased it that the Reptisun would've been better. That's what I'm getting when I upgrade her tank soon
  19. AnnieT

    Please help! I need a short-term alternative to live insects for my baby beardie.

    I believe you. I'm still new to this. I've only had Em for a couple of months. Still learning lol
  20. AnnieT

    Please help! I need a short-term alternative to live insects for my baby beardie.

    Yeah. None of them were moving. Some were really squishy and some were hard. Some were all black and some looked like they just had black stuff in the gut area
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