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  1. P

    Bloated beardie

    Yea hea just on the met atm
  2. P

    Bloated beardie

    🥺. Poor guy. Im doing everything right. Well at least i think i am or doing my best. He’s s also starting to shed so he’s probably super stressed. He only poops on the mat and every time i use wipeout. His enclosure is really clean. Do i have to remove the sand. He only runs through the sand. He...
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    Bloated beardie

    Also. When and how should i clean his enclosure theres so many things and cracks and crevices its gunna be hard to obviously im going to do my best but is there and easy way to go about cleaning it. I have a steamer and cN mix bleach and water. I dont have a quarantine tank so idk about air out...
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    Bloated beardie

    Hello. I just got a word back from the vet today after dropping off his fecal matter. They he has high levels of giardia and bacteria. They disdt say anything about the pinworms or coccidia this time around. The meds they said i will be giving him start with an M. I cant remember the name. Doing...
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    Arcadia smart LED Bar/UVB kit -LumenIZE

    So the highest point he caN crawl to hits 11 which is really high right. So i was think of swapping the placements of the led bar and the uvb. In the pics the long one is the led. So that way in that angle it will get little to none possibly. If you look in the pics. The only spots that really...
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    Arcadia smart LED Bar/UVB kit -LumenIZE

    he seems to do fine with the basking light where its at. The led and the uvb are pretty bright compared to the basking light. If he starts to try and bask on the log thats forward of the tank ill move it over his rock for sure. The solar meter is reading 4.8-5.2 over his basking area and thats...
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    Arcadia smart LED Bar/UVB kit -LumenIZE

    So i have a deep heat projecter in between the long led and the shorter uvb. Im not sure if you can see it. I have a low wattage heat lamp in the front because he likes to chill there when he gets to got in his bask zone where hes sitting in the photos. The 14% is too strong even with a screen...
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    Arcadia smart LED Bar/UVB kit -LumenIZE

    So i recently purchased the arcadia smart led bar and uvb kit. From just hooking it up and messing with it using the app its pretty cool. I have the 14% uvb connected directly to the led bar. Basking is 12 inches from the heat and the uvb/led bar. I was just wondering if any one has any...
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    Bloated beardie

    Might just have to put the tray in his house in the mornings so he can eat greens. Spoiled and picky little guy
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    Bloated beardie

    Makes sense lol i might just start making soups. So i just put him on my bed and put out the clover and alfalfa sprouts and he went crazy for those!
  11. P

    Bloated beardie

    Like actually make a soup or blend some up with water lol. He hates syringes. Would i have to force him?
  12. P

    Bloated beardie

    I put dandelion greens and collards greens. I usually put mustard greens but the stores around here haven’t had them for a few days. Maybe outta season idk. To try and get him to eat em ill put some bsfl but he just eats them and not the salad. I have buuternut squash but he’s not interested
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    Bloated beardie

    Question how many salads should he get a day and is there a point where i should swap his non eaten salad for some fresh salad lol. Kinda a dumb question but im just curious. Like say he eats his morning salad. Should i give him another one mid day or one salad a day is enough?
  14. P

    Bloated beardie

    Its my shirt he falls asleep on my things so i thought id put it in there
  15. P

    Bloated beardie

    There are times when i look at him he has lost a lil bit if his belly. I see him everyday so its hard for me to notice. I think an actual basking platform/rock is definitely helping him more compared to his old enclosure where he didnt really have one. In the morning i hear him scurrying around...
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    Bloated beardie

  17. P

    Bloated beardie

  18. P

    Bloated beardie

    What can i do to get him to drink water. He doesn’t drink water while he soaks. He doesn’t drink out of his water dish and he hates the dripper. I do mist the greens everytime but like i said he hasnt been that interested in them. When i give him the nutribac i dip the roaches/ crickets in water...
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    Bloated beardie

    Hes still bloaty and im tryingbto understand why or maybe hes not im just confused. I significantly feed him less ive read it can also be due to respiratory infection ? But the vet said she’s pretty sure its not that. He didnt feel too good today maybe its from the pinworm medicine he had on...
  20. P

    Bloated beardie

    Good to know. You ever fed them alfalfa/ alfalfa sprouts?
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