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  1. K

    Won't eat greens

    I have an adult beardie, she's 2.5 years old and use to love eating greens, but lately has stopped for the last few months. I have tried everything to get her to eat them again. I feed her collards, endive, a little bit of cilantro. I even tried adding just a little bit of kale or arugula which...
  2. K

    Help- Declining Calcium & multivitamin Supplements

    Thank you all for your advice. I fed her greens this morning with her usual routine of vitamins sprinkled on top and I would like to say, she finally ate them! Not her full bowl, but she got a few big bites in. I think the main issue is her not having much of an appetite or care due to being...
  3. K

    Help- Declining Calcium & multivitamin Supplements

    Anyone having issues with their gravid female bearded dragons refusing calcium and multivitamin supplements? Mine has been declining them completely for the last month or so on her insects and her greens. I would give her a normal insect, she will eat it then the next one would be dusted and she...
  4. K

    Excessive Clawing in Enclosure

    No, the Arcadia UVB is mounted inside the enclosure. The basking light is the one on top of the mesh and is 12inches away. I wouldn’t use a solar meter for that since it’s just a basking light bulb.
  5. K

    Excessive Clawing in Enclosure

    It's not directly on top of her basking area due to the rock being tall (it has to be 12in from her basking light which sits on the mesh since I can't mount it inside her enclosure) and she would way too close to the UVB, so I have it slightly pushed back so it's more so over her log and bed...
  6. K

    Excessive Clawing in Enclosure

    Thank you all for your suggestions. Her clawing was caused by two things. The first being I got a new arcadia reflector + new arcadia dragon 14% + D3 bulb mounted inside her enclosure, so its on the bright side. The UVB light was covering most of her cage in light, so I shift it over so it's...
  7. K

    Excessive Clawing in Enclosure

    Not that I have seen. Just frantically clawing the enclosure.
  8. K

    Excessive Clawing in Enclosure

    I figured I come on here and ask before I lose it. Ramses (2 year old, female beardie) is clawing the enclosure none stop. Running around and clawing every possible side (mostly center and cool side) then she would run in her log, in her cave, then climbs her rock to bask for a while then...
  9. K

    Head Bobbing, clawing enclosure

    She decided to hide in her cave (cool side) the rest of the afternoon/evening and looked like she wanted to be left alone. I just hope it’s her hormones and the fact she’s about to lay infertile eggs (she did this last year).
  10. K

    Head Bobbing, clawing enclosure

    I have an (almost) 2yr old female beardie. She has been bobbing her head very fast and pacing in her cage the past week. The bobbing is new behavior, is it normal since spring is coming soon? She hasn’t been really caring for food lately (doesn't touch her greens often, but will eat insects...
  11. K

    Best Enclosure for a bearded dragon

    Yes! I currently own the mat and love it. I think i bought the one for the “original”, do you think it will still fit fine in the meridian terrarium?
  12. K

    Best Enclosure for a bearded dragon

    That looks amazing! Do you recommend the original wood or meridian wood?
  13. K

    Best Enclosure for a bearded dragon

    Hello, I am wanting to change my bearded dragon out of her current 120gal PVC tank after she's done being in brumation since I have issues with humidity levels rising in there during the summer + it's super dark since it has black panels. With that being said, what the best terrariums for an...
  14. K

    Sick or Brumation?

    Okay, I measured and my original measurements were wrong. From the highest point of the log to the UVB bulb is actually 17inches, not 14. Floor to UVB bulb is 21inches (roughly). Her basking temp is at 99 currently. I am still learning on what temps work best for adult bearded dragons since...
  15. K

    Sick or Brumation?

    Yes, she sits directly under it. She sits on a log that I have in there. The UVB light is only a month old, just changed it last month. Should I remove the log? If I do that, she would be 17 inches away just by sitting on the floor under it. She might be going through a semi brumation since...
  16. K

    Sick or Brumation?

    Hello, my beardie Ramses has been hiding and sleeping a lot more. She hasn’t really been eating for weeks, she started slowing down at the beginning of the month. She currently sleeps in her hide rotating between the cold and hot side. She sometimes will come out to bask and eat greens (I will...
  17. K

    Hiding, not really eating, digging, high humidity issues

    I just used a dropper and she seems to be getting somewhat use to it! Yesterday, she was acting pretty normal until the afternoon. She basked and laid under her UV light (mostly basked), but then by noon, she went into her cave on the hot side. She has been there since and just sleeping. She...
  18. K

    Hiding, not really eating, digging, high humidity issues

    She finally came out to bask! I think we are making some progress! I was also wondering if you have any advice on how to get her to drink water from her bowl? I have tried using a water fountain, she just kinda looks at it. I was able to get her to drink from her bowl before by splashing it...
  19. K

    Hiding, not really eating, digging, high humidity issues

    The wood log in the center! It’s directly under the UV light!
  20. K

    Hiding, not really eating, digging, high humidity issues

    Update: I got it mounted in there today and moved her there to sit under it. She sat there for maybe 30-60mins before going right back in the cave. Basking temp is 106 (trying to get it go down some), warm side is 84, and cool side is 79. Humidity on the basking side is 44% and on the cool side...
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