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  1. R

    You Would Think Pet Stores Would Improve...

    That's a shame. We actually just got ours from a pet store (We went in for a beta fish...) and they had 4 bearded dragons but each in their own little tank. So at least it's not all commercial pet stores? One of them was just so active and social we fell in love and made the impulse buy then...
  2. R

    What does 80% insects, 20% greens actually mean?

    New bearded dragon owner here, have a little guy/gal that's been a pretty good eater. Stuff online says at this young age it's an 80/20 split of insects to greens, and then at 1 year old that'll flip to 80 greens to 20% insects. Here's where I'm probably overthinking things, but what does the...
  3. R

    Having trouble getting temps high enough?

    The control probe for the ceramic heater I just have in the middle of the tank, thought process being so that doesn’t go above 85 degrees because then the cool side would probably be too warm But my other digital probe that’s just an lcd readout is on the hot side under both the basking light...
  4. R

    Having trouble getting temps high enough?

    The digital probe connected to the outlet controller is actually in the middle behind the big log. The other one on the hot side of the tank is just a $10 digital probe I bough. That one says 88 while the analog one on the glass in the same area say 100 so I’m a little confused. The IR heat gun...
  5. R

    Having trouble getting temps high enough?

    Hi all, brand new beardie owner here after wife and 2 year old went to the pet store for a Beta fish…. And came home with a Dragon 😂 A few questions on temperatures, I feel like I’m really struggling to get it warm enough. I have both a 100w basking bulb, and after feeling it was too cool and...
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