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  1. L

    When should I slow down?

    I was also interested in this. but my little dude is 15" and was born April 20th. (he was the clutch runt and didn't eat but 10 crickets a day or so his first month and a half with me.) I've read at about 9 months to a year, but since he was so small should I keep feeding him twice a day?
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    picky dragon

    my dude likes mustard greens the most and I've read that they love thinly sliced or shaved squashes to which are very easy to grow. but bug wise you should try dubia I don't think ive seen a dragon resist a dubia lol.
  3. L

    How do you keep tiniest dubia nymphs in the enclosure?

    Everything looks great! Especially the insulation I'm sure that will help up north. I know garages get cold. But the double sided tape might trap some of the roaches especially the smaller ones but I'm not really sure on this so maybe someone else will or you will just be able to notice it...
  4. L

    Hello! I'm new and a BD will soon be mine!

    Better study hard! :wink: you should check out a few online breeders! rioreptiles has some nice dragons and a list of online breeders on their website. Best of luck to you on your exams to :mrgreen:
  5. L

    How do you keep tiniest dubia nymphs in the enclosure?

    Line your container with clear packaging tape they ant climb up that. Vaseline works to but it dries out so id stick with the tape...
  6. L

    Reputable Online Breeders, bask'ndragons?

    I'm sure that's a birch tree go find one outside! Lol and congratz on your new dragon he looks purddy. :mrgreen:
  7. L

    Thanks All

    grumpy was soooo skinny! makes me want to go rescue some pets :(
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    In the last picture he heard a hawk so he stood up and like sucked in idk lol. But was a nice pic of his color.. he eats good a good 30 reptiworms in the morning and crickets when I get home then whatever he's more interested in at about 6... he was the clutch runt so I had to take him ofcourse...
  9. L

    Juv Beardie Jumped On My Face

    Did you have a coil uvb? if so I've read up about beardies acting up because of those saw some comments on lighting but never read what you said about uvb.
  10. L

    Puffs up now when we go outside?

    I live in Florida so I take my beardie outside for the warm sun all the time he usually puffs and opens his mouth when he see's another lizard. he can see pretty far to and they seems to all crowd around when he comes out lol.
  11. L

    Ouch, I think he's trying to tell me something?

    Haha my beardie is always in some kind of funky position when I go turn on his lights in the morning always makes me laugh... :mrgreen:
  12. L

    When can I start feeding off my discoid colony?

    Im no professional or anything but I would say wait a month or 2 since you only have 1 dragon and im pretty sure discoids reproduce faster than dubia.
  13. L

    Bitten by the Dragon Bug!

    I bought my 40g breeder from them at the 40$ deal so they should have one... But as for the phoenix worm/ reptiworm situation my beardie actually eats them way better than crickets. He is picky and lazy and he wont eat out of another bin so its a pain with crickets so I buy the reptiworms or...
  14. L

    Reputable Online Breeders, bask'ndragons?

    They look pretty good but as the person said before I highly recommend rioreptiles as well. Cheryl is awesome and they always have some nice babies and know what they are doing for sure.
  15. L

    how much did you drop on your first beardie?

    Yea I would search craigslist for a week or 2 for your tank.
  16. L

    cheapest uvb bulb?

    from what I've read they say that your tube will still be in the mid 40's at 6 months they say you can use them for about 8 but I think most people do 6 just to be safe... you should be fine for a while
  17. L

    how much did you drop on your first beardie?

    make a list its what I always do haha beardie - 120 tank - 150 lets say your gona use a powersun mvb tank lid (if your gona need it) - 20 dome - 20 bulb - 45 décor - 50 cricket - 35 (with food water crystals and shipping) multi-vitamin + calcium (d3 if you use a florescent...
  18. L

    Dubia colony help please? (pics included)

    another thing I just saw was your orange on your dry food you should keep anything moist on a separate tray to avoid mold. :D
  19. L

    Dubia colony help please? (pics included)

    Yea the only thing I can think of is not enough ventilation cut a hole for ventilation and glue or duct tape the bottom and top of the screen so it stay in place the dubia never get that high anyways.
  20. L


    Hi I've had my beardie for a little over a month and his overall color seems a little bit darker than before. Was wondering if it was the lighting or something to do with the uvb. before Now, he's about to shed his back in this picture he's on full alert here cause we're outside that's...
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