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  1. pheonixmum

    phoenix is home

    thanks guys. yeh bindi is only 9 months (almot 10months), shes a chihuahua n my babyyy
  2. pheonixmum

    Viv pics only thread

    heehee yeh i dunno where to start wih phoenix' viv but i am deff getting ideas off here. calypso is such a cute name btw. oscar looks a right cutie in your sig. hey dragonphoenix. yh think when theyre babies less is more anyways. my excuse is ive only had phoenix for like a week lol.. i like...
  3. pheonixmum

    Introducing ourselves (finally) and Kaira. Updated, new pics

    aww wow what fantastic colours :)
  4. pheonixmum

    Viv pics only thread

    yep thats why i came on this thread is to get ideas :) ill 'pimp his viv' in a little while lol... cant wait to see yours when theyre done x
  5. pheonixmum

    will not eat live prey

    ah thanks for those links. ill take a look. ill keep an eye out for silk worms for you. :) i know i got them once when i had my monkey but he didnt like them so i never bought them again (i bought them in a local petshop at the time though) hi janie, yes my beardie was on locusts before i...
  6. pheonixmum

    will not eat live prey

    where are you in the UK ? im in the uk too and cant find any phoenix worms around here. im not sure about butter worms but i know there is a few places selling silk worm in the UK. ive only had phoenix for a week n i was worried about him not eating much so can imagine how worried you are after...
  7. pheonixmum

    Viv pics only thread

    everyones vivs are awesome.. i wanna do more with phoenix' now. im quite embarrased of it after all these awesome pics :lol:
  8. pheonixmum

    It is 8 feet wide, 6 feet tall, and 4 feet deep HELLLLLLPPPP

    woah and i thought my viv was big at 6ft long lol.. think your beardie would love the spaceand like said if you dont do ledges too high and lower the lighting you dont have to worry about a fall.
  9. pheonixmum

    phoenix is home

  10. pheonixmum

    relly cheap hammock! : )

    awesome idea. wish my viv was glass now.. phoenix needs a hammock lol
  11. pheonixmum

    Rambo's first day of exploring my newly beardie proof room!

    oh my daysss!!! hes jst precious x
  12. pheonixmum

    updated pics of Ricco

    wow he's an amazing colour. cant wait to see him all grown up ;)
  13. pheonixmum

    will not eat live prey

    i had that problem with the live feed. but today my phoenix ate 14 crickets n im gonna buy him some roaches. tell ya what i done though. i put him in a small plastic tank and he ate them no problem. he is in a 6ft viv so think he is just being lazy tbh. what size is your viv? you could try...
  14. pheonixmum

    phoenix is home

    heehee you have a phoenix too. great name isnt it :roll:
  15. pheonixmum

    phoenix is home

    thanks dawn i got him to eat some crix today :) i love him to bits already. dunno how i managed without a beardie in the house lol
  16. pheonixmum

    phoenix is home

    well dunno if any of you remember me but my names becky, im 18 n phoenix is my first beardie. i picked him up up earlier today (well yesterday seens its 5am) he was so dark n stressed out when i got him home but hes settling in well. hes a lovely colour. was told he is a gold cross leustustic is...
  17. pheonixmum

    LG ~ The Handi-Capable Bearded Dragon

    aww so lovely to see little LG ... hes such a cutie. the crawfish is definatly unusual.. i dont know anything about them but glad you rescued the little tyke x
  18. pheonixmum

    ozric, my first beardie

    hi matt, yeh thats me and yeh theyre my dogs (well 3 of them are) the 2 littlest pups are my cavaliers puppies so just got the boy looking for a home. btw--meant to ask, how did you come up with the name ozric? its so unique, i love it
  19. pheonixmum

    Zak-n-Wheezie the 2-Headed Bearded Dragon(s) RIP APR 4/16

    barbara thatis grrrreat news :) i cant think of any animal more deserving.. they were destined to be stars :) ill deffo watch out for itin theUK though so hope its aired here :D i watch animal planet alot anyways so will look out for them :)
  20. pheonixmum

    ozric, my first beardie

    ozric gets even more stunning with every pic you post :) watched your videos too, he sure loves his phoenix worms... oh and you eastern collard lizards are adorable, sorry you had to return them
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