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  1. affinenine

    Beardie has swollen lumps around her eye

    Well, after looking into the cryoablation, turns out many of the costs were "hidden" and total comes out to nearly as much as surgery to remove the eye. I was quoted over $200 just for the initial office visit! I'm saddened that this is not something that I have the means to afford. I feel like...
  2. affinenine

    Beardie has swollen lumps around her eye

    Some hopeful news! I just received an alternative estimate for laser cryoablation. It would be only $74 plus an additional $70 - $100 for anesthesia and aftercare. We were told Butternut may have to go for multiple procedures depending on how aggressive the lesions are. This would be feasible...
  3. affinenine

    Beardie has swollen lumps around her eye

    Thank you so much for keeping Butternut's situation in your thoughts. Our vet got back to us and is prescribing fluorouracil to help keep the lesions at bay, but it's understudied in animals and can be deadly, so I'm on the fence. He's also working to get us a quote for cryoablation of the area...
  4. affinenine

    Beardie has swollen lumps around her eye

    She doesn't seem to be in pain, as far as I can tell. I know beardies are clever about hiding their ailments. She's eating and basking normally, and she isn't squinting or closing the troubled eye. I'll be watching for any abnormal behavior. The treatment option are out of my realm, and all...
  5. affinenine

    Beardie has swollen lumps around her eye

    Unfortunately, Butternut's biopsy results came back as a malignant tumor squamous cell carcinoma. The infection is likely the result of a compromised immune system due to the cancer. I'm heartbroken. I don't even know what to say. Her options are for the vet to keep removing the tumor as it...
  6. affinenine

    Beardie has swollen lumps around her eye

    That's what I thought! During her five years, she's never laid any eggs which I thought was odd, but I always thought she looked female down there. Thank you for confirming :).
  7. affinenine

    Beardie has swollen lumps around her eye

    Butternut was never "officially" sexed; the vet just took a look down there and seemed pretty certain of his gender. Here's a pic of Butternut's rump... the femoral pores are quite hard to see (which I know isn't always a great indicator of sex). When I used a light, I couldn't see anything...
  8. affinenine

    Beardie has swollen lumps around her eye

    I'm still baffled by Butternut being a male because I shone a flashlight through their tail, and they don't have two hemipenal bulges. There's just one by the vent 🤨. Butternut wasn't dna sexed, so there's still a possibility they may be female with an abnormally large head, LOL. Oh well! As...
  9. affinenine

    Beardie has swollen lumps around her eye

    Well, we were able to get Butternut to a vet today... They were baffled by the case! The team went ahead and took a biopsy of the largest lump, removing most of it, and we are eagerly awaiting the results. The vet broached the idea that the original abscess might be a separate issue, either...
  10. affinenine

    Beardie has swollen lumps around her eye

    An update for everyone: Butternut's bumps have seemingly gotten worse and more plentiful. They now seem to be bothering her as well. Butternut's third eye membrane keeps trying to clean the eyeball, so perhaps there's a foreign irritant in her eye that has caused an infection :cry: . I finally...
  11. affinenine

    Beardie has swollen lumps around her eye

    Butternut is doing well! Her lumps have not changed in size, but some of the redness, especially on the bumps below her eye, have reduced and look less "angry". I think we'll be able to make it until I find a vet. Still have no clue as to what virus it could be, but whatever it is, the growths...
  12. affinenine

    Beardie has swollen lumps around her eye

    Hi, thanks for replying! I can definitely try the chamomile tea bags, but Butternut sometimes moves in her sleep so she may toss it off. It makes sense that it could be a virus. I'm not sure how the vets would treat it. I guess maybe a steroid to help with swelling too...? So far, everything...
  13. affinenine

    Beardie has swollen lumps around her eye

    Thank you for replying! I usually use ZooMed's Repti basking bulbs, 75 watt and 50 watt, on either side of her tank. The distance is right in the sweet spot. I replaced her UBV about four, five months ago so they're not quite ready to replace just yet. I can remove the T8 if it's too much. I'm...
  14. affinenine

    Beardie has swollen lumps around her eye

    Hi all! A few months ago I posted here about a strange pink lump on Butternut's eyelid (first pic is what it looked like August 18th, last two are from a few days ago). I kinda came to the conclusion it might've just been a scratch that swelled up and would go away with a little topical...
  15. affinenine

    Relocation stress

    Happy to announce that Miss Butternut has finally accepted a handful of feeders and salad for the past two days now! She took a long snooze for a couple days and woke up significantly calmer and refreshed. She's no longer bouncing off the walls and seems to be falling into her natural routine...
  16. affinenine

    Relocation stress

    She does love when I sing to her while she's on my lap. I'll keep that up! I've decided to cover the window temporarily and cover parts of her enclosure since I think it was too stimulating for her all day. She finally settled down from pacing around and went into her hide. I'll keep her salad...
  17. affinenine

    Relocation stress

    Hi all! I'm currently displaced due to hurricane Ian and will be staying in a new location for a while (much to Butternut's chagrin). I grabbed everything I could from her tank and skedaddled before the flood waters rose. However, Butternut is now dealing with a case of relocation stress 😟...
  18. affinenine

    enrichment ideas?

    Seconding the dig box! Though I keep mine outside the tank and reserve time for Butternut to dig since she tends to kick sand e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e. I also leave on colorful cartoons on a tablet during the day. Tweety bird and baby sensory videos are favorites!
  19. affinenine

    Beardie has mysterious pink lump above eye

    She has a nice fuzzy cave bed that I recently got her, yet she insists on sleeping in or on top of her scratchy rock hide :LOL:. I tried putting her in the cave bed last night and she discovered that it's soft and fell asleep almost instantly. Now, if I can just get her to walk over to it on her...
  20. affinenine

    Beardie has mysterious pink lump above eye

    Update: I think I figured out what the lump is... I noticed Butternut trying to nuzzle next to/under a rock yesterday and the swollen area above her eye was rubbing against it. The lump looked like it was wanting to scab over before she aggravated it again 😓. I believe it's a bit of exposed...
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