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  1. Sierrarose5

    Bearded Dragon Veggie Pellets

    Yeah that’s what I was thinking about the pellets. They’re so dry. I give her a bath 2-3 times a week and she drinks water then. That’s also the only time she’ll poop, in water. Is that normal? She hasn’t gone in her enclosure once. I also have a large water bowl in her tank that I switch out...
  2. Sierrarose5

    Bearded Dragon Veggie Pellets

    I really appreciate the advice! Hearing someone say she’s not going to starve herself to death makes me feel a lot better. I’ll try the pellets on top and then less and less and also take away the super worms for a little
  3. Sierrarose5

    Bearded Dragon Veggie Pellets

    I recently adopted a 3.5 year old bearded dragon and I’m having the hardest time getting her to eat her fresh veggies. I’ve tried literally every vegetable they’re allowed to eat. She’ll have like one piece of collard greens or one piece of a bell pepper and then nothing, but if I put just dry...
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